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Deutsch: Strokkur ist der aktivste Geysir in Island
English: Strokkur ist the most active Geyser in Iceland
<nowiki>Strokkur; Strokkur; Strokkur; Strokkur; Strokkur; Strokkur; Ստրոկկուր; Строхкюр; Strokkur; Strokkur; ストロックル間欠泉; Strokkur; Строккюр; Strokkur; Строккур; Strokkur; Strokkur; Strokkur; Strokkur; Strokkur; Strokkur; ستروككۋر; Strokkwr; Strokkur; Strokuras; Strokkur; სტროკიური; 史托克; 스트로퀴르; Strokkur; Strokkur; Strokkur; Strokkur; Строккюр; Строкир; Sdrohgirs; Строккур; Strokkur; ستروكر; ستروكر; Strokkur; geyser in Islanda; izlandi gejzír; гейзер в Исландии; geyser en Islande; Geysir in Island; гејзер во Исланд; geyser in Iceland; سخان في آيسلندا; Islandský gejzír; gejzir na Islandu; Строккур: қайнаған бұрқақ; Строкур; Gejzír Strokkur; Строккур</nowiki>
geyser in Iceland
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Instance of
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LocationBláskógabyggð, Southern Region, Iceland
  • 40 m
Different from
Map64° 18′ 45.68″ N, 20° 18′ 02.81″ W
Authority file
Wikidata Q1128186
VIAF cluster ID: 7041152140000611100007
OpenStreetMap node ID: 270943513 ID: osm&id=6638059
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Pages in category "Strokkur"

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Media in category "Strokkur"

The following 158 files are in this category, out of 158 total.