Category:Yuan Dynasty bixi (Meng Miao)

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English: A rare Yuan Dynasty tortoise-borne stele with a bilingual inscription (Chinese and Mongol using the Phags-Pa script), in the Temple of Mencius, Zoucheng. Based on the shadows' positions (late afternoon), it appears to face east, which is unusual as well (typically such turtles look south). Unfortunately, the face of the bixi tortoise has been destroyed some time during its history, and restored using cement.
This appears to be the stele described as item 31 in this survey, according to which the stele was erected in Year 3 of the Yanyou (延祐) era of the Yuan Renzong Emperor (Ayurbarwada Buyantu Khan), i.e. 1316 CE. It honors the parents of Mencius, granting them honorary titles.
中文(简体):孟子故里文化典藏丛书之五《孟庙孟府孟林》:"31.《圣诏褒崇孟父孟母封号之碑》。 碑位于孟庙启圣殿前甬道西侧,龟趺蟠首,碑文以蒙、汉两种文字记载了元仁宗元延祐三年(1316年)加封孟父为邾国公、孟母为邾国宣献夫人的圣旨,这是孟子父母有封爵之始。碑文简洁练达,朴实无华,叙章周密,表意精确,为制诏中的杰作。"