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For similar instruments,  See also categories: Sorna, Suonas, Sopila, Rhaita, Shawms and Oboes. .

<nowiki>Zurna; Сурнай; зурна; Zurna; Curla; زورنا; зурна; Zurna; ズルナ; Zurna; זורנה; зурна; Сурнай; Zurna; 주르나; Сурнай; Zurna; Зурла; Zurle; zurna; zūrnā; zurna; զուռնա; сурма; զուռնա; туйдук; زورنا; Surma (instrument); сурма; zurna; Zurna; Zurna; ზურნა; Zurna; зурла; zurna; Сырнай; Surnaa; Zurna; Zurna; Zurna; Zurna; zurna; Сăрнай; Zurna; 土耳其嗩吶; زوڕنا; zurna; زرنة; Ζουρνάς; زرنه; strumento musicale eurasiatico; instrument de musique; keleti nádnyelves fúvós hangszer; μουσικό όργανο; музычны духавы інструмэнт; sebuah alat musik tiup; wind instrument played in central Eurasia, ranging from the Balkans to Central Asia; muziekinstrument; духовой музыкальный инструмент; 주르나는 서아시아와 북아프리카에서 쓰이는 목관악기의 일종이다; Gruppe von Doppelrohrblattinstrumenten mit trichterförmigem Schallbecher; oboesoitin; музычны духавы інструмент; سازی بادی که در اوراسیای مرکزی نواخته می‌شود؛ از بالکان تا آسیای مرکزی; дувачки инструмент свирен на просторите од Балканот до Средна Азија; drveno puhačko glazbalo; Curla; surle; сурла; сурнай; сурла; сурна; Curla; zurna; zourna; zorna; zurla; zokra; surnay; surnai; zamr; zamour; Curla; zūrnā; زرنا; سورنا; کرنا; سورنای; зурна</nowiki>
wind instrument played in central Eurasia, ranging from the Balkans to Central Asia
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  • Zorka (bagpipe). Musical Instruments Museums Edinburgh. University of Edinburgh.
    "Instrument: Bagpipe ",
    "Instrument Family: Wind ",
    "Place Made: Africa; Northern Africa ",
    "Description: Technical description: set of reed pipes with cane and horn double chanters and blowpipe, wood mounts and stoppers, and kidskin bag ",
    "Collection: MIMEd",
    "Accession Number: 6209 "


This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.

Media in category "Zurna"

The following 170 files are in this category, out of 170 total.