공용:인적 교류

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This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Personal acquaintances and the translation is 24% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Personal acquaintances and have to be approved by a translation administrator.
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위키마니아 프로젝트 리플렛

이 문서는 2008년에 독일어 위키백과에서 시작된 (Persönliche Bekanntschaften) "현실에서 활동하는 위키백과인의 커뮤니티"(오프라인 모임, 단체, 등등...) 라는 개념이 도입된 커뮤니티 프로젝트를 위한 문서입니다. 모든 위키미디어 프로젝트 사용자는 이 프로젝트에 자신의 사용자 이름으로 가입할 수 있으며, 현실에서 만난 다른 사용자를 인증할 수 있습니다. 사용자는 다른 사용자에게 알려진 주 계정을 활용하여 가입하고 다른 사용자의 확인을 받을 수 있습니다. 본인이 사용하는 주 계정을 공개할 수 있습니다만, 다른 사용자에 대한 의심이나 사용자 환경을 개선하기 위해 부 계정은 용인되지 않습니다.

이 상호 확인 시스템은 현재 독일어 위키백과에 존재하지만 통합 로그인을 사용하는 모든 사용자에게 열려 있으며, 이 문서는 여러 언어로 번역되어 있습니다. 신분에 대한 외부 확인이 필요하지 않으며, 인터넷의 익명성과 데이터 보호를 염두에 두고 설계되었습니다. 단점에 대해서는 자주 묻는 질문을 참조하시기 바랍니다.


통계: 2008년 2월 8일부터 2016년 7월 4일까지 받은 인증과 참여자 수

사용자들은 여러 계정을 만듭니다. 대부분의 사용자는 정책에 맞추어 각자 다른 목적을 가지고 계정을 만듭니다. 이러한 이차 계정들은 다른 목적으로 사용되며, 백과사전의 집필이라는 목적과는 관계가 없습니다.

이 문서에서 사용자 계정은 3명의 이미 인증된 사용자가 면대면으로 해당 사용자를 만났음을 확인하는 절차를 거친 "주 계정"에 대해서만 유효합니다. 만났음을 확인하는 사용자는 아래의 문서에서 그 사실을 증명합니다. 오직 인증된 주 계정 사용자만이 다른 사용자를 인증할 수 있습니다. 인증되지 않은 사용자는 "unbestätigt"("인증되지 않음")으로 표시됩니다. 참여는 자발적입니다. 일단 인증이 이루어지면, 이는 확정적입니다.

익명성과 데이터 보호

신원 확인과 다르게, 이 절차는 인터넷 상의 익명성을 훼손하지 않는 장점이 있습니다. 모든 사용자는 위키백과 사용자 이름을 통해서만 인증하므로 자신의 이름이나 개인 정보를 숨길 수 있는 선택지를 가집니다. 언제, 어디서, 몇 번을 만났던 간에 사용자의 위키에서의 신분에는 변화가 없습니다. 데이터의 보호와 위키백과의 목적 또한 준수합니다.

이 시스템이 약하다고 생각되거나 사용자가 더 많은 보호를 원한다면 사용자의 신원을 통해 인증될 수도 있습니다. 증명은 본 계정에 참조될 수 있습니다.

어떻게 영향을 주나요?

  • 잘 알려진 사용자는 다른 사용자를 인증하고 인증받을 수 있습니다.
  • 덜 알려진 사용자는 오프라인 모임에 참여해 인증을 통해 자신을 알릴 수 있습니다. 따라서, 공동체의 각 일원은 활동적인 공동체에 참여하는 덜 활동적인 사용자를 인증할 수 있습니다.
  • 부 계정들은 인증되어서는 안 되며, 한 사람 당 하나의 본 계정만이 인증될 수 있습니다.

어떻게 작동하나요?

No prerequisites for participation

It is not a voting; the confirmations are not votes; there are no prerequisites for participation. Anyone can participate. The order of the users has no informational value.

The instructions are very simple:

  1. Set your de:Special:Preferences to English language.
  2. Go to de:Spezial:Einstellungen#mw-prefsection-gadgets Section "Veränderung der Oberfläche" and check the box at "Erweiterte Benutzeroberfläche für Persönliche Bekanntschaften aktivieren, um Bestätigungen hier vornehmen zu können." (the only text that has no translation yet afaik).
  3. Go to de:Wikipedia:Persönliche Bekanntschaften/neue Anfragen (it will be in English if you followed step 1) and register yourself.
  • Once you have got confirmations by three users you can start confirming other participants on the same page.
  • Post your username into this list to receive bot-messages on your talk page for the confirmations you receive.
  • Users that have been confirmed can, and should, confirm other users that they have met personally in real life. There is no value or assessment involved. The relationship of users to each other (sympathy, antipathy, ménage à trois or friendship) does not matter.

Inadmissible on this page:

  • Giving any comments on how one acts (details about the type and manner of meeting, the personal relationship, praise or criticism, real data, etc.) Such comments may be removed at the request, which also means no assessment. It is sufficient to report that on this talk page.
  • Users must not be confirmed if one does not know the person from real life, even if one is strongly convinced of their identity.
  • Undesirable are the confirmations of multiple accounts used by an individual, for example, to confirm secondary accounts besides the main account. This corresponds to an attempt to defraud, which, in the long run, will not go unnoticed. By visible cross relationships common fraudulent requests can also be closed.
  • Manually editing the page /neue Einträge is strictly prohibited. In particular, the introduction of different user names is undesirable.


  • You can add the page Wikipedia:Persönliche Bekanntschaften/Neu dazugekommen ("/new participants") to your watchlist to have an actual overview of new users (the period is automatically limited to the last two months).
  • If a participant withdraws his membership, his account will be anonymised in the database. Confirmations of retired users are retained for consistency, and the entries in the logs remain entirely unchanged. This anonymity is composed of a name change in Ex-Teilnehmer and can be undone on request.
  • In case of fraud, no matter what form, the relevant account and all received confirmations from the fraudster will be highlighted as "deleted" (gelöscht) from the database.

List of participants

Currently more than 1,550 users are registered, and efforts are underway to address a more global audience:


Does the participation change some of my anonymity?

  • No. Only ordinary confirmations with user accounts made ​​no independent verification of any user-data. Caution should be exercised when specifying comments - it may be possible to get 'motion profiles' from it. This also applies to the "Stammtisch"-registration lists in cities portals.

Why were some users confirmed at the beginning?

  • Because they are known to be identical to their main account by the Foundation or a Wikimedia-club, they were allowed to start this project.

Is there a user-independent verification here?

  • This project currently allows no possibility of user-independent verification. As the name "Personal acquaintances" says: RL (Real Life)-contacts are essential here. The higher the number of confirmations, the stronger is the identity. Someday it will be impossible that your account is a fake.

Is this procedure safe from sub-accounts?

  • This is to be found. If you discover a secondary account, that logs on with three confirmations as the main account of a user listed here before, you should write down this suspicion on the talk page. Eligible accounts would be relatively easy to extract information from the database in case of emergency.

What if I never go to meetings?

  • Then you've arrived at this page mistakenly.
  • Go to a meeting where you can get confirmed. You will meet interesting people. You can't fail to get confirmation then.
  • Invite Wikipedians to take a trip to the countryside or to drink coffee. It doesn't matter how you get to know someone (in the portals e. g. Workshops are always offered where interested parties may join in).

I have discovered something, that makes a manual correction in the database necessary. What now?

Examples: I have been confirmed by someone I've never met; I clicked on the wrong username while committing; User:XY has proved to be a sock pupet or created as a user:Z a new account.

Such corrections can be requested here and handled by the project operators (see below). If you have received a dubious confirmation, you should first consult the concerned user on his talk page.

  • Confirmations are for example on a misunderstanding (confusion) deleted at the request of the parties or, in general, if "abuse" - whether with good or bad intentions (e. g. confirmation of sub-accounts) - is present.
  • If a user ceates a new account in Wikipedia (instead of rename here) and thus receives strictly a secondary account in Personal acquaintances, this is also a reason to correct / consolidate this.
  • Comments confirmations can also be corrected at the request of the person concerned, if they violate example against Wikipedia guidelines.
  • If a confirmation corresponds to the facts ("xy met"), there is no reason to delete them. A confirmation does not expire and is independent of the subsequent relationship between the two users to each other.

What can the community page be used for?

  • It shows who belongs to the active real-life community and motivates more to join in.
  • It creates assurance in discussions that the person you are talking to, belongs to the main account, which is well known by the community and not a secondary account of an unknown user.
  • It allows users, who know only a few other users, to be recognized as community members and accepted.
  • It facilitates connection to existing circles of acquaintances in particular regions.

What does it looks like, if someone is trying to abuse the page?

  • This procedure is strictly speaking not unique and can be used with high cost and high risk, a person for a finite period of time could acquire more than a verified account. There are two scenarios. The first scenario is the technically clearer, but also more complex procedures of the anonymous identification by de.wikipedia user Frank Schulenburg. The second scenario can be ruled out with any procedure.
    1. "Real life sock" — the community page could theoretically be used by a person, who presents himself to various regulars or meetings with different user names and deceives other Wikipedians about their dual identity. So appropriate false confirmations are preserved, "as long as the known circles guaranteeing for them separated personally" and the double identity goes unnoticed.
    1. "Community fraud" — a second scenario includes a cabal of users who confirm each other's accounts. This case could be a larger, but self-contained group of false main accounts which also discovered after some time. Also the main accounts of the involved users are known. This possibility of abuse consists of any conceivable process, low but by Frank Schulenburg by at least five citizens held as this community page (three guarantors). Here it is assumed that it is too difficult for an abuser to find two other abusers, especially as a second expansion of the group on more secondary accounts again would require a secondary.
  • All opportunities for fraud are more expensive than the cultivation of stock secondary accounts, lead to no effectively exploitable result, and are associated with a possible loss of face. Due to the cross relationships displayed on the community page, bogus main accounts are discovered sooner or later.

Won't this promote the formation of cliques?

  • Wikipedia is per se a Social network, in which both friend and foe networks are created and nurtured. Whether a person is personally known to others or not, is a fact independent of anyone's personal feelings for this person. Personal feelings should not affect the operation of this site. To integrate people into the system, who avoid personal contact with other Wikipedians, it would be feasible in the future to enable acquaintances with digital certificates.

Is there a backup of the database and the scripts? What if the leaders are suddenly gone?

  • The database, the associated web interface and the bot scripts reside on the WMF Labs under a joint account. Thus, there is no risk that something will be lost. Should one of the currently responsible persons withdraw, the other persons can take over, or even more people can continue working on it without any trouble.
  • Daily, automatic database-dumps are here.
  • The source code of the database web interface and the bot is publicly available here. The source code of the gadget is available here and here.

Technical contacts are Ireas, Wiegels and Euku. For questions and suggestions please use the discussion page.

User box

This multi-language user box contains a link to the confirmations tool. If you want to add this box, add the following to your user page:

{{User Personal acquaintances}}

It can be included in your Babel box like this: {{#Babel:en|vo-0|Personal acquaintances}}.

This userbox is available on many other Wikimedia sister projects, see d:Q16744021.

On sister projects
