Commons:Picture of the Year/2019/R1/v/Almsee Nordbucht-4224.jpg

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Picture of the Year 2019
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Almsee Nordbucht-4224.jpg

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  1. AirSThib
  2. Alexxx1979
  3. Michael Barera
  4. Nardog
  5. OmenBreeze
  6. Benezius
  7. Buidhe
  8. Maattik
  9. Liridon
  10. BSRF
  11. Snookerado
  12. Meiræ
  13. SirEdimon
  14. Shillings1005
  15. Sujalajus
  16. Donald Trung
  17. Eatcha
  18. Buendia22
  19. Wuselig
  20. RockyMasum
  21. MarcelBuehner
  22. Mountain
  23. Alcohkid
  24. Amirrezapl2r
  25. Gampe
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  31. NGC 54
  32. X-Javier
  33. WikiAviator
  34. FelixL.
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  39. Laurent Jerry
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  49. Gnostic804
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  72. Oathed
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  74. Elmi1966
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  109. VileGecko
  110. Paperoastro
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  112. Daniel Case
  114. Robina Fox
  115. Mpn
  116. Eda19
  117. Maschinenjunge
  118. ThomasLendt
  119. Hatovix
  120. Lordgilman
  121. MS2054
  122. Sîmbotin
  123. Seven twentynine
  124. Djiboun
  125. Darkhan
  126. Dmitry Ivanov
  127. PointyOintment
  128. Jdx
  129. Aleksey Churushkin
  130. Ldorfman
  131. Eman235
  132. DragonflySixtyseven