Commons:Picture of the Year/2020/R1/v/Ранок на Мангупі.jpg

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Picture of the Year 2020
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Ранок на Мангупі.jpg

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  1. ...have registered before Fri, 01 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
  2. ...and have more than 75 edits before Fri, 01 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0000 UTC in any single Wikimedia project that is still alive.
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  1. Bobamnertiopsis
  2. Christian Ferrer
  3. Glennfcowan
  4. ToprakM
  5. AlexKozur
  6. Laurent Jerry
  7. 1234qwer1234qwer4
  8. ValeriySh
  9. OwenBlacker
  10. BD2412
  11. Skylady1991
  12. Nachtbold
  13. Pticy uleteli
  14. باسم
  15. Abductive
  16. Dnshitobu
  17. Rohieb
  18. Linshi2
  19. MaximumMangoCloset
  20. Dirtsc
  21. موسى
  22. Rickjpelleg
  23. TFerenczy
  24. Cvolebo
  25. HelpingYouToKnowMore
  26. Thi
  27. QEDK
  28. Apisite
  29. Kiril Simeonovski
  30. Semmendinger
  31. Pax85
  32. Dora the Axe-plorer
  33. Bestalex
  34. Wwwwolf
  35. 名字长的让人受不了
  36. Miyuki Meinaka
  37. Eman235
  38. Ilzolende
  39. Владлен Манилов
  40. Andreas Ederus Thorunensis
  41. Snow Rise
  42. Kyslinka27
  43. S. DÉNIEL
  44. Nikaomagnus
  45. Coldbolt
  46. Cincotta1
  47. Breogan2008
  48. The wub
  49. Soundwaweserb
  50. Tom Ja
  51. Максим Шикунец
  52. Ghilt
  53. Bkn anime
  54. JukoFF
  55. Fraxinus
  56. Tupungato
  57. EnaldoSS
  58. Fran791
  59. SvenDK
  60. Clumsy and stupid
  61. Ravendrop
  62. B.jars
  63. Mixrunya
  64. Wallacegromit1
  65. Druschba 4
  66. Professeurcyclone
  67. NayiMuu
  68. Brateevsky
  69. DimasSolo
  70. Drzewianin
  71. Vitaliy VK
  72. Donald Trung
  73. Challenger l
  74. BugWarp
  75. EdTocino1
  76. Qono
  77. شاه عباس
  78. Umbugbene
  79. Fabiorahamim
  80. Daehan
  81. Vulphere
  82. IamMM
  83. Portwalrus
  84. BSRF
  85. Meiræ
  86. DaSupremo
  87. Pitke
  88. George Chernilevsky
  89. Zinnmann
  90. Amorymeltzer
  91. Hirvelaid
  92. DrPZ
  93. Ivanics
  94. Liridon
  95. Jonie148
  96. Navvvrisk
  97. Sekundemal
  98. Erdpferd
  99. شاخه زيتون
  100. Zeete
  101. GcSwRhIc
  102. Андрій Гриценко
  103. Gnom
  104. Tktktk
  105. Gaby
  106. Michitaro
  107. Jakubhal
  108. Gap9551
  109. Grest7
  110. Ainali
  111. Daniel Case
  112. Mirer
  113. Seefan2012
  114. OmenBreeze
  115. Noclador
  116. HiDrNick
  117. Ammonium121
  118. Masum Ibn Musa
  119. Daniel Mietchen
  120. Andromedabluesphere440
  121. Лапоть
  122. Nina Flor
  123. Riverhugger
  124. Rzuwig
  125. MZaplotnik
  126. Сергій Липко
  127. Alex Blokha
  128. Cathy Richards
  129. Sîmbotin
  130. Lystopad
  131. Libcub
  132. Iketsi
  133. VulpesVulpes42
  134. Sammyday
  135. Nickispeaki
  136. Jianhui67
  137. Oleh Kushch
  138. Cyfraw
  139. Nigmont
  140. Jdx
  141. DragonflySixtyseven
  142. 4nn1l2