Commons:Picture of the Year/2020/R1/v/Rosy-faced lovebird (Agapornis roseicollis roseicollis).jpg

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Picture of the Year 2020
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Rosy-faced lovebird (Agapornis roseicollis roseicollis).jpg - listed
Rosy-faced lovebird (Agapornis roseicollis roseicollis) 2.jpg- belongs to file set

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  1. Redalert2fan
  2. Alejan98
  3. Clarice Reis
  4. BD2412
  5. Fabio Daziano
  6. Kaffe42
  7. Bibeyjj
  8. Ordensherre
  9. Mpn
  10. Apisite
  11. Kapitan110295
  12. Ilzolende
  13. EpicPupper
  14. PInqueen
  15. Abductive
  16. Betseg
  17. Devi 4340
  18. Cincotta1
  19. Makary
  20. Mrvl2009
  21. 괭이는냥이
  22. Vinícius94
  23. Tramu
  24. George Chernilevsky
  25. Sergial980
  26. Dimash Kenesbek
  27. Atamari
  28. 名字长的让人受不了
  29. Vihaking277
  30. EN-Jungwon
  31. Irman
  32. Bkn anime
  33. El Rayno
  34. Lin linao
  35. Drzewianin
  36. Pyraminxsolver
  37. Rzuwig
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  42. Andrew J.Kurbiko
  43. Frettie
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  46. CrimsonComputer
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  48. Meiræ
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  50. Zyephyrus
  51. BugWarp
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  60. GRDN711
  61. Ammonium121
  62. Simon Peter Hughes
  63. Scrooge200
  64. Vijayganesh.s1996
  65. LMPogoda
  66. Jianhui67
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  68. Лапоть
  69. Jonie148
  70. Daniel Case
  71. Krinkle
  72. 4nn1l2
  73. Erdpferd
  74. AndyrooP
  75. Shir-El too
  76. Arbnos
  77. Julle
  78. Vogone
  79. Masum Ibn Musa
  80. Draceane
  81. Hasley
  82. Tarih
  83. Seefan2012
  84. Donald Trung
  85. Lystopad
  86. Jdx
  87. DragonflySixtyseven