Commons:Picture of the Year/2020/R2/v/FCAB EMD-Clyde GL22C Cumbre.jpg

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Picture of the Year 2020
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FCAB EMD-Clyde GL22C Cumbre.jpg

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  1. Noroi
  2. GeographieMan
  3. Corn cheese
  4. NeoMeesje
  5. Tupungato
  6. Bruce1ee
  7. Trizek
  8. Arjuno3
  9. Ozonesn
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  11. PaulT
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  104. בורה בורה
  105. Lilijuros
  106. Milda90
  107. Frédéric Raspail
  108. Karthikndr
  109. Bergsven
  110. Stockmausen
  111. Nerve net
  112. FandS
  113. Zetpe0202
  114. Slashme
  115. Pravega
  116. MargaretRDonald
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  128. SovalValtos
  129. Arthurbrown
  130. Alexcalamaro
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  132. Qaswa
  133. Zarkin
  134. Hawkeye7
  135. Harjawalski
  136. Splamo
  137. Maurice Flesier