Commons:Picture of the Year/2021/R1/v/Chiesa di Santa Maria della Pace Evangelista ingresso Brescia.jpg

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Picture of the Year 2021
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Chiesa di Santa Maria della Pace Evangelista ingresso Brescia.jpg

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  1. Samhistory123
  2. Workster
  3. Suvray
  4. Crazymantis91
  5. Fabiorahamim
  6. Doc2129
  7. Simranjeet Sidhu
  8. Fundamentally mechanical
  9. BD2412
  10. C8bash
  11. Athulf
  12. Wolverène
  13. FabFabFay
  14. Caligatus
  15. Julle
  16. Janina4000
  18. Fivework
  19. VanNate
  20. TripleU
  21. Kalisidina
  22. Cyfraw
  23. Kaganer
  24. Bloues
  25. Filipović Zoran
  26. Wikkiwonkk
  27. Cincotta1
  28. Fraxinus
  29. VileGecko
  30. DrPZ
  31. Nikokok
  32. Inksy
  33. Dhtwiki
  34. Donald Trung
  35. Indielov
  36. Draceane
  37. Legotwin
  38. Mcferran
  39. Seven twentynine
  40. Glafoululle des Alpes
  41. Mediatus
  42. Jianhui67
  43. Nina Flor
  44. J. N. Squire
  45. Aleksey Churushkin
  46. Teachix
  47. Triggerhippie4
  48. Underuberud
  49. WikiLuke
  50. Ajpvalente