Commons:Power toys

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This page is dedicated for future toolserv/popup/monobook scripts that will assist essential daily tasks on commons.

COM:DEL easy close debates with delete/keep


Proposed by --Cat out 12:56, 23 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]


  • Should be able to add {{Delh}}, h-bar, deleteion debate result, reason, {{Delf}} in that order to the necesary COM:DEL subpage.
    • If debate is 'keep' should remove the deletion notices automaticaly
    • If debate is 'delete' it sould add 'Deleted as per [[Commons:Deletion Requests/pagename]]' as deletion summary and delete the image.



I should be only prompted a keep/delete input (a combo box or checkbox may do) and a "reason"

Proposed by --Cat out 13:15, 23 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Magnus' existing tool is a treat but needs some improvement. --Cat out 13:15, 23 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Additional functionality:

  • Tool should scan for what the old tag was.
  • The script should detect source data. If a url is present in history, the bot should tell me that.
  • Images without a license must be handled like a separate process from no source. Bot should recognize images tagged with no source and no license. Prior to it scanning
  • I should be able to review all uploads by a user just like how I review a category
  • I would welcome the ability to disable thumbnails (default can be enabled)


  • Please add a 98% width limit. Pages can get too wide otherwise.
  • Please limit it to 250 - 500 entries per page (default). My 1gb memory stick cant handle larger entries (such as entire months).
  • Prior to scanning the script should ask me for search parameters so that I do not jolt through thousands of images needlessly abusing toolservs resources.
  • I should be able to scan for a specific tag (such as all images tagged with {{Pd-old}} at a poinr (even if the tag was removed)). It is really troublesome to skim through varying copyright problems.
    • I should also be able to manually input tag type aside from a default list.

Mass delete tool


Requested by --Cat out 13:15, 23 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Ability to mass delete - I would welcome a mass delete tool for requests like Commons:Deletion requests/Texas shields (more).

Tool must check if images are in use.



I should only input the list and if possible avoid individual delete confirmations.

Probably thumbnails are unnecesary for this kind of requests.

Big brother tool


Requested by --Cat out 05:31, 30 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Tracks all taggings, reports malicious/suspicious untagging/tagging/reuploading.



It should display all suspicious activity.