<nowiki>Fátima; Fatima; Fatima; Фатимæ; Fatima; فاطیما; Фатима; Fatima; Fátima; 花地瑪; Fátima; Фатіма; 法蒂瑪; 法蒂玛; Fatima; 파티마; Фатима; Fátima; Fatima; Fatima; Fatima; Fátima; Fátima; פֿאַטימע; Fátima; فاتىيما; Fatima; Fatima; Фатима; 花地玛; Fátima; Fátima; Fatima; Fatima; 法蒂玛; Fátima; فاطمة; Fatima; Φάτιμα; Fatima; 法蒂玛; Fátima; ফাটিমা; Фатима; Fatima; Fátima; Fátima; Fàtima; Fátima (Purtugal); Fátima; Fátima; Fátima, an Phortaingéil; فاتیما; Fatima; Fatima; ფატიმა; ファティマ; Fatima; Fátima; Fátima; ഫാത്തിമ; פאטימה; Fātima; Fátima; Fátima; 花地玛; Fátima; Fatima; Fatima; Fátima; Fátima; Fátima; Ֆատիմա; Fatima; Фатыма; Fatima; Fatima; Фатима; Фатима; Fátima; فاطمہ، پرتگال; Fatima; Fatima; Фатима; Fatïma; Fatima; Fatima; Fátima; Fatima; Fatima; Fatima; Fátima; Fatima; Fatima; 花地瑪; Fátima; Fatima; Fatima; Fatima; Fátima; Fátima, Portugal; Fatima; Fatima; città portoghese; város Portugáliában; места ў Партугаліі; фрегезия в Португалии, Сантарен, Оурен; Stadt im Kreis Ourém in Portugal; cidade e freguesia do município de Ourém, local das aparições da Virgem Maria ocorridas em 1917, em Ourém, Portugal; city and civil parish in Ourém, Portugal place of apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Ourém, Portugal that includes a Marian shrine which attracts millions of pilgrims every year; համայնք Բրազիլիայում; city and civil parish in Ourém, Portugal place of apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Ourém, Portugal that includes a Marian shrine which attracts millions of pilgrims every year; mesto in okrožje na Portugalskem; ポルトガル・サンタレン県の都市; město a poutní místo v Portugalsku; مدينة في البرتغال; mesto a pútnické miesto v Portugalsku; miasto w Portugalii; עיירה בפורטוגל; plaats in Portugal; Portekiz'de kaymakamlık (freguesia); ciutat de Portugal; ville du Portugal, lieu d'apparition mariale; freguesia de Portugal; freguesía portuguesa do concello de Ourém; urbo en Portugalio; city and civil parish in Ourém, Portugal place of apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Ourém, Portugal that includes a Marian shrine which attracts millions of pilgrims every year; parokya; Fatima; Fatima; Fatima; Fatima; Fatima; Fatima; فاطیما; 花地瑪; Fatima; ファチマ; Fatima; Fátima; 花地瑪; Fatima; Fatima; Fátima; Fatima; Fatima; Fatima; Fátima, Portugal; Fátima; Fatima; Fatima; Fatima; Fátima; Fatima; Fatima; Fatima (Portugal); Fatima; Fatima; Fatima, Portugal; Fátima, Ourém; Fatima; Fátima, Portugal; فاطمه; فاطمة، البرتغال; Fatima; Fatima</nowiki>
city and civil parish in Ourém, Portugal place of apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Ourém, Portugal that includes a Marian shrine which attracts millions of pilgrims every year
English: Fátima (pron.IPA ['fatimɐ]) is a town in Portugal famous for the religious Marian apparitions that are said to have taken place there in 1917.
Coat of Arms of Fátima
Front of the Basilica of the Rosary
Inside of the Basilica of the Rosary
The famous Chapel of Apparitions
Image of Our Lady of Fátima (in the Chapel of Apparitions)
General view of the Sanctuary of Fátima
Lateral view of the Sanctuary of Fátima
People praying in the Chapel of Apparitions
People burning candles in Fátima, Portugal.
Street of Fátima (with Sanctuary view)
Wax Museum of Fátima
Nativity scene in Fátima
Church of the Most Holy Trinity
General view Church of the Most Holy Trinity
General view of the Sanctuary of Fátima
Basilica of the Rosary and Sacred Heart of Jesus statue
Big Cross next from the Basilica
General view of the Sanctuary of Fátima
General view of the Sanctuary of Fátima with Statue Pope John Paul II