File talk:Ambox scales.svg

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{{Edit request}} Please standardize the date. --ArndBot (talk) 14:00, 26 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Clean up SVG code


{{Edit request}}

There is currently a semitransparent oval that appears in the SVG and rendered PNG thumbnails. I've run the code through a compressor which seems to fix the issue, and as an added bonus gets rid of all the extra Inkscape metadata, taking the filesize from 14.4kb to 2.4kb. Here is the code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg height="620" viewBox="0 0 62 62" width="620" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
    <linearGradient id="a" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" spreadMethod="pad" x1="41.868206" x2="22.0144" y1="10.468635" y2="51.987099"><stop offset="0" stop-color="#ffc9a1"/><stop offset=".5" stop-color="#fda557"/><stop offset="1" stop-color="#f88c2c"/></linearGradient>
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    <circle cx="32.5" cy="29.5" fill="url(#b)" r="26.5" transform="matrix(1.071274 0 0 1.071296 -2.732985 .21567)"/>
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    <path d="m52.153078 48.374531c0 4.020608-9.269699 7.279954-20.704455 7.279954s-20.704455-3.259346-20.704455-7.279954c0-4.020607 9.269699-7.279954 20.704455-7.279954s20.704455 3.259347 20.704455 7.279954z" fill="none" opacity=".409091"/>
    <g transform="matrix(.10969089726 0 0 .12125505599 8.36899265659 11.31922514384)">
        <g fill="none" stroke="#fff">
            <path d="m-51.25 46h120.25m-275 0h121.5m16-48v30.5" stroke-width="16.482805" transform="matrix(.965926 -.258819 .258819 .965926 253.9719 6.708644)"/>
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--Iiii I I I (talk) 22:08, 24 March 2019 (UTC)[reply]

There is another version without the oval: File:Emblem-scales.svg. 4nn1l2 (talk) 15:01, 9 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
This is a fairly new issue then, because I'm sure someone else would've noticed if it was like this for eleven years. shows that it wasn't in 2017. There must have been some sort of change somewhere that messed with how it's rendered. Ambox scales.svg and Emblem-scales.svg are two different images - it's hard to tell unless you look at them side-by-side - Emblem-scales.svg vs. Ambox_scales.svg. I think this is an appropriate change to make. Frood (talk) 03:05, 30 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
✓ Done New version updated. After looking at the archive it is pretty clear that there was something that changed in the past 11 years that caused the dark oval. It was not part of the original image. --Majora (talk) 02:19, 6 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]