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<nowiki>kéfir; Кефир; Kifir; كەفىير; Кефир; Chefir; 克非爾; kefír; кефір; 克非爾; 克非尔; Kefir; Кефир; kefiro; kefír; Kefir; гыпы; Kéfir; Kéfir; Kefir; كەفىير; Kefïr; кефир; Kefir; 克非尔; Кефир; kefir; kefir; Kefir; kefir; كفير; 克菲爾乳酪; kefir; Kefir; Quefir de llet; Kefir; Ceffir; Йетта шура; Kefiri; կեֆիր; 克非尔; kefir; Kefiiru; ケフィア; קפיר; кефир; kefiiri; Kefir; Kefir; Kéfir; кефір; 克非尔; qundeps; 克非爾; kefīrs; Keefir; kefir; kefir; คีเฟอร์; Kefir; Kefyras; Kefir; Кефир; кефир; кефир; kefir; kefir; Kefïr; Kefir; кефір; Kefir; کفیر; kefir; Quefir; 케피르; Κεφίρ; კეფირი; producto lácteo; boisson à base de lait fermenté; кваснамалочны напой; abwesson fwaite avou ene maxheure di bactereyes et yesses; кисломолочный напиток; llaeth buwch, dafad, gafr wedi elesu sydd â gwaead tebyg i iogwrt neu ufen. Ceir effeithau buddiol i'r perfedd a'r croen; dickflüssiges Sauermilchprodukt; Bebida fermentada originária das montanhas do Cáucaso; муьсташурин малар; piena produkts; българска; fermente süt ürünü; ფერმენტირებული რძის სასმელი, დამზადებული კეფირის მარცვლებისგან; 알코올 발효 유제품의 종류; Bevanda ottenuta da latte fermentato; Producte làctic fermentat; minuman susu fermentasi; napój mleczny; משקה חלב שמקורו בקווקז ומופק בתסיסה חיידקית; koolzuurhoudende licht alcoholische melkdrank; form av kulturmjölk; kvasený mliečny nápoj; joghurtféleség; maitojuoma; fermented milk drink; نوع من المشروبات وهو عبارة عن لبن متخمر; kvašený mléčný nápoj; نوشیدنی تخمیری حاصل از شیر و دانه‌های کفیر; Yogurt de pajaritos; Yoghurt de Pajaritos; Yogurt de sapitos; Waterkefir; Kephir; Mudu kekiya; Milkkefir; Matsoni; Talai; Kewra; Kefir; Matsoun; gıpı; gıpı ayran; küşlü ayran; Képhir; Kefir; Kefiir; Kefir; Kefirknollen; Kefirpilz; Milchkefir; Quefir; 克弗爾; 克菲爾; 开菲尔; 乳酒; Kefir; ケーフィア; ケフィアヨーグルト; ケフィール; ヨーグルトきのこ; rysk filmjölk; Grzybek hinduski; Yoghurtplant; Yoghurtbloem; Kephir; keefir; milk kefir; búlgaros; bulgaros; kefier; Kefir; Kefyr; Kefir; Kéfir; الفطر الهندي; الكفير; kundeps; ceffir; kefir; llaeth ceffir</nowiki>
fermented milk drink
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Subclass of
  • fermented milk product
  • fermented beverage
  • fermented milk products, other than sour cream and cottage cheese (Russian Classification of Products)
  • yoghurt and other types of milk or cream, fermented or soured (OK 034-2007 based on CPA 2002 "Russian Classification of Products by Economic Activities")
  • Q26868453 (OK 034-2014 based on CPA 2008 "Russian Classification of Products by Economic Activities")
  • dairy product
  • soft drink
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Authority file
Wikidata Q185749
GND ID: 4193603-6
Library of Congress authority ID: sh85072025
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 131817415
IdRef ID: 035324864, 199623023
NL CR AUT ID: ph575625
National Library of Spain ID: XX545459
BabelNet ID: 01648350n
J9U ID: 987007543440605171
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English: Kefir is a fermented milk drink traditionally prepared with kefir grains. A similar culture, sometimes called tibicos or water kefir, is used to ferment sugary liquids.
Català: El kefir és llet fermentada de manera tradicionals amb grans de kefir. Hi ha un procés similar, el kefir d'aigua, que s'utilitza per a fermentar líquids amb sucres.
Türkçe: Süt asidi ve alkol fermantasyonu yardımıyla yapılan köpüklü, koyu kıvamlı fermente süt ürünü.


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Media in category "Kefir"

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