Religious symbol

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<nowiki>simbolo religioso; θρησκευτικό σύμβολο; vallási jelkép; 宗教象征; рэлігійны сымбаль; religia simbolo; рэлігійныя сімвалы; reliģisks simbols; религиозные символы; símbol religiós; religiöses Symbol; símbolo religioso; religious symbol; Կրոնական խորհրդանշաններ; религиозни символи; верски симбол; religijski simbol; 宗教的象徴; 宗教象征; релігійні символи; religieus symbool; symbole religijne; סמל דתי; dini simvollar; 宗教象徵; náboženský symbol; símbolo religioso; symbole religieux; religious symbol; religious symbol; sìnboło rełijozo; vjerski simbol; representació icònica d'una religió o d'un concepte religiós; условные изображения связанные с религией; représentation schématique d'une religion; representación icónica de una religión o concepto religioso; iconic representation intended to represent a specific religion, or a concept within a given religion; obiekt, przedmiot, obraz, słowo lub działanie, które wyraża duchowe lub metafizyczne znaczenie w kontekście danej religii; iconic representation intended to represent a specific religion, or a concept within a given religion; iconic representation intended to represent a specific religion, or a concept within a given religion; religijski simboli; religijska simbolika; 宗教的な象徴; 宗教のシンボル; 宗教的シンボル; vallásos szimbólum; vallási szimbólum; סמלים דתיים; סמל דת; סמלי דת; religieuze symbolen; религијски симбол; signe religieux; symboles religieux; signes religieux; simboli religiosi; religious symbols; religious symbols; religious symbols; 宗教符号; 宗教象徵; 宗教符號; religijski simbol</nowiki>
religious symbol 
iconic representation intended to represent a specific religion, or a concept within a given religion
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Wikidata Q60469796
Library of Congress authority ID: sh2018000930
BNCF Thesaurus ID: 3662
NL CR AUT ID: ph123383
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see also Category: -

see also Category: Category:Bahá'í * Category:Bahá'í symbols

see also Category: Category:Buddhist_symbols

see also Category: Category:Religion_in_China

see also Category: Category:Christianity

see also Category: Hinduism, Category:Hinduism

see also Category: Category:Islam

Islam mostly uses calligraphic representation of religious terms or phrases rather than graphical "icons".

see also Category: Category:Religion_in_Japan

see also Category: Category:Jainism

see also Category: Category:Judaism

see also Category: Maheshwarism

see also: Satanism

see also Category: Category:Sikhism

see also Category: Category:Neopagan symbols

see also Category: Category:Zoroastrianism

Others and mixed


see also Category: Category:Religious symbols, Category:Symbols of multiple religions