Theretra alecto

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  • EnglishLevant Hawk-moth
  • Deutsch: Riesenweinschwärmer
  • suomi: Kreetankiitäjä
  • français: Deiléphile Candiote
(Note: no wikidata item is associated with this gallery)
DomainEukaryota • RegnumAnimalia • PhylumArthropoda • SubphylumHexapoda • ClassisInsecta • SubclassisPterygota • InfraclassisNeoptera • SuperordoHolometabola • OrdoLepidoptera • FamiliaSphingidae • SubfamiliaMacroglossinae • TribusMacroglossini • GenusTheretra • Species: Theretra alecto (Linnaeus, 1758)
Wikispecies Wikispecies has an entry on: Theretra alecto.

Mounted specimen


Imago alive
