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Andreas Hörstemeier

ist am 26. September 2022 verstorben. Wir werden ihn in dankbarer Erinnerung behalten.

I am en:User:Ahoerstemeier, who will upload self-created photos and maps here. My Photo Album is a bit outdated, as I also uploaded many photos not used in en: yet.

My cameras: Sony DSC-U10 (ditigal) and Nikon F55 (analog), older photos were taken with a Olympus Mju 2 (analog).

Most of my photos are from various stays to Thailand, yet I also have some older ones from three stays in the USA (Florida, Washington DC, Georgia), and of course my hometowns in Germany (Hemer and Aachen).

Double license

All of my own original contributions are double-licensed as GFDL and CC-BY-SA. As I usually tag those files with the two respective templates, while for files from other source I only put the appropriate tags. Thus if you spot a file which seems to be from me and doesn't have the double license feel free to ask for clarification.

If you plan to use any of my photos (or other media), but cannot use either the GFDL or the cc-by-sa license for whatever reason, feel free to contact me by email to negotiate for another way of licensing.
