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From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository
Carnby is the unique login of this user for all public Wikimedia projects.
Mozilla FirefoxThis user contributes using
Mozilla Firefox.
This user has file mover rights on Wikimedia Commons. (verify)
This user respects copyright, but sometimes it can be a major pain.
Questo utente ha un accesso TUSC col gettone
19,000+This user has made over 19,000 contributions to Commons.
61,000+This user has made over 61,000 contributions to Wikimedia projects.
This user would like to be able to speak more languages.
This user comes from Europe.
This user lives in Italy.
UTC+1This user's timezone is UTC+1.

Babel user information
it-N Quest'utente può contribuire con un livello madrelingua in italiano.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
es-2 Esta persona tiene un conocimiento intermedio del español.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances de base en français.
la-1 Hic usor simplici lingua Latina conferre potest.
grc-0 Ὅδε ὁ χρώμενος οὐδὲν περὶ τῆς ἀρχαίας ἑλληνικῆς γιγνώσκει (ἢ αὐτὴν μόλις καταλαμβάνει).
de-0 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch nicht (oder versteht es nur mit beträchtlichen Schwierigkeiten).
Users by language

.de, .dd
.ye, .yd
.et, .er
(.cs,) .cz, .sk
(.yu,) .si, .hr, .ba, .rs, .me, .mk
(.su,) .ru, .ee, .lv, .lt, .by, .ua, .md, .ge, .am, .az, .kz, .uz, .tm, .kg, .tj
[.fr,] .gp, .gf, .mq, .re, .pf, .yt, .pm, .wf, .mf, .bl, .nc
[.nl,] .aw, .cw, .sx
[.dk,] .gl, .fo
[.fi,] .ax
[.us,] .as, .gu, .mp, .pr, .vi
[.uk,] .je, .gg, .im, .ai, .bm, .vg, .ky, .fk, .gi, .ms, .pn, .sh, .tc
[.au,] .nf
[.nz,] .ck, .nu



Su Commons si possono caricare foto non artistiche:

  • scattate prima del 1º gennaio 1976
  • e pubblicate non oltre il 31 dicembre 1977.


  • altrimenti:




Archivio Cini (San Marcello Pistoiese)


Collezione privata Empoli


ACE Archivio Fotografico Empolese


ASF Libri d'oro Firenze Nobili vol. III n. 55 (PD-Art?)


Galleria Uffizi (Gabinetto fotografico n. 316909) (PD-Art?)




Taken in Italy?




SVG gold sihouettes and similar icons




User:G. Virgilio


Cofradía Botillo
