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This is the landing page of all my 100WikiCommonsDays efforts.


So 100WikiDays is a personal challenge started by Spiritia where one aims to create one article every day for 100 consecutive days. As I am doing it in Wikimedia Commons this challenge is called 100WikiCommonsDays.

Bulgarian Tarator - Day 100 (or 2201)

First Try - Food[edit]

All the images of 100WikiCommonsDays Food

My first 100WikiCommonsDays' subject was food. I aimed to upload images of 100 dishes in 100 days. The challenge was abandoned after 82 days as I was travelling in a no-internet zone. I resumed it after nearly two years only to continue till day 92 (that too with missing a couple of days in between). The final lap was completed in two parts another four years later. Finally, what started on the 7th of February 2017, ended 2201 days later on the 16th of February 2023. I'm sure it will be the longest 100WikiDays-related challenge. But I am glad I completed it. A total of 107 images of different dishes were uploaded. The 100WikiDays page suggests "To pay tribute to Spiritia, who invented the 100wikidays challenge, your hundredth article could be related to her country, Bulgaria." Unfortunately, I'm yet to visit Bulgaria and couldn't find a Bulgarian restaurant nearby. So, I prepared a simple Bulgarian soup named Tarator at home and uploaded its photo.

Second Try - Places[edit]

All the images of 100WikiCommonsDays Places

Day 1 - Aldeburgh

On the second try, I decided to upload images of 100 different places in 100 days. This time I was able to complete it as per rule. Starting on the 25th of November 2022 I ended it on the 5th of March 2023. Along with uploading the photographs to Commons I also posted the updates on my social media channels so that my friends and followers become curious in Wikimedia Commons. Unfortunately, I couldn't end with anything related to Bulgaria this time. London was the 100th place I uploaded.