User talk:Orabh

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Salut, hello, hallo!

Français : (missing text)

Si vous souhaitez me parler, aucun souci, mais faites-le plutôt ici, je ne suis pas un utilisateur très régulier de Commons.

If you want to speak with me, please, do it here. I'm not that often on Commons.

Wenn si mit mir sprechen wollen, machen sie das hier bitte. Ich bin nicht sehr often auf Commons

A plus, see you, bis bald.

Swiss Signal


Do not change the dimensions of images "Swiss Signal xxx" File:Swiss Signal 0307-0310.png, File:Swiss Signal 0201-0202.png. Dimensions are uniform for the whole group (collection) drawings. Thank you for your understanding.

Ne pas modifier les dimensions des images "Swiss Signal xxx" File:Swiss Signal 0307-0310.png, File:Swiss Signal 0201-0202.png. Dimensions sont uniformes pour l'ensemble du groupe (collecte) des dessins. Merci de votre compréhension. --W.Rebel (talk) 10:52, 23 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

All right, but at least can I put the drawing of the File:Swiss_Signal_0307-0310.png at the top of the picture and not on the bottom? I mean, that's strange as layout--Orabh (talk) 20:46, 23 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Last Updated (down => above) but currently the server has not updated previews. --W.Rebel (talk) 10:36, 24 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]