This gallery is about the vehicle. For the city in Turkey, see Van, Turkey.
This is a gallery page containing specially selected image and media files. They have been chosen as highlights of a particular topic, but do not represent the full range of files that are available on Commons. For a wider selection of files connected with Van, see Category:Vans.
<nowiki>furgoneta; Фургон; Van; فۋرگون; Y Fan; Furgon; 廂型車; dodávkový automobil; фургон; Van; 廂型車; 厢型车; 승합차; Фургон; kamioneto; dodávkový automobil; Ma'xeamâho'hestôtse; camionnette; Kombinirano vozilo; ווען; Xe van; فۋرگون; Fwrgon; Комби; van; 厢型车; Фургон; varebil; varebil; Furqon; Van; van; عربة نقل; sammorell; ߞߊ߲ߓߋ߲; 客貨車; furgon; Furgoneta; furgoneta; furgoneta; Kleintransporter; Forgon; veain; ون; 廂型車; varevogn; ფურგონი; ライトバン; van; מסחרית; Autocurrus sarcinarius; pakettiauto; van; täʹvverautt; சிற்றூர்தி; furgone; фургон; 廂型車; 厢型车; Furgons; Furgonetă; van; carrinha; furgon; skåpbil; ਵੈਨ; pakeahttabiila; kombi; ضلع وان; Furgon; фургон; Van; van; Fwrgon; camionette; Furgono; Furgoneta; ويگن; фургон; Furgoneta; комбе; Βαν; kaubik; ߞߐ߲߬ߛߏ ߡߍ߲ ߘߐ߭ߘߏ߲߬ߣߍ߲߫ ߦߋ߫ ߘߏ߬ߣߌ߲߬ ߡߊ߲ߞߊ߲ ߠߎ߬ ߡߊߘߏ߬ߣߌ߲ ߠߊ߫; véhicule de transport automobile principalement destiné aux marchandises; тып аўтамабілю; automóvil cola cabina y la caxa xuntes que s'emplega pa tresportar mercancíes; тип автомобиля; kleiner Lastkraftwagen; tipo de carroceria de veículo automotor; covered transportation vehicle; 交通工具; overdækket transportmiddel; ავტომობილის სახეობა; 貨物自動車のボディスタイル; övertäckt transportmedel; typ nadwozia samochodu wielozadaniowego; רכב; نوع من أنواع العربات التي تستعمل لنقل البضائع أو مجموعات من الناس; όχημα σχεδιασμένο να μεταφέρει εμπόριο; motorno cestno vozilo s kabino in tovornim prostorom, ki se večinoma uporablja za prevoz blaga; tipo di autoveicolo; 승용차보다 더 많은 사람을 태울 수 있는 다인승 자동차; covered transportation vehicle; covered transportation vehicle; 车型; vehículo usado para transportar bienes; buseta; vehículo comercial; vehiculo comercial; camionette; fourgonnette; vehicles comercials; vehicle comercial; vehicle comercial lleuger; kombinirano vozilo; Kleinlaster; Van; Transporter; Chapa 100; Chapa cem; furgão; van; furgoneta; Iomparán; Gluaisvaigín; کاروانه; 麵包車; 七人車; 箱型車; 面包车; 厢型车; kassevogn; varebil; Furgoneta; フルゴン; バン; caminhonete; perua; dodávka; Van trieda; Kassevogn; Kassevogn; sammgarrig; gamionetenn; ФУРГОН; veicolo commerciale leggero; veicolo da trasporto leggero; paketbil; van; skåpbilar; комбинированный кузов; вэн; box van; vans; box vans; سيارة نفعية; فان; 面包车; வேன்</nowiki>
English: A van is a commercial vehicle used for transportation of people and goods. A van is often less aerodynamic in shape (more box shaped) and larger than an automobile. In Germany and Austria less tax has to be paid on vans than on automobiles. Therefore, some special variants with only two seats are being sold, depending on the type of van, it can be bigger or smaller than a pickup truck and SUV, and bigger than a common automobile but relatively smaller than a truck/lorry or a bus.