Category:Body shape

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<nowiki>forma del cuerpo humano; testalkat; Forma del cos humà; 体型; Телесна конституција; oblika človeškega telesa; Hugis ng katawan; Chimiro chemuviri; форма людського тіла; شكل الجسم; ruumiinrakenne; Forma del corpo umano; 体型; 몸매; human body shape; Korpoformo; corpulence; форма человеческого тела; forma general de una persona definida por el moldeado de las estructuras esqueléticas y la distribución de los músculos y la grasa; 몸의 맵시나 모양새; general shape of a person defined by the molding of skeletal structures and the distribution of muscles and fat; شكل الأحشاء الداخليه; kehon yleinen tyyppi; telesna oblika; fiziognomija telesa; videz telesa; obris telesa; body shape; physique; human physique; vartalotyyppi</nowiki>
human body shape 
general shape of a person defined by the molding of skeletal structures and the distribution of muscles and fat
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This category has the following 6 subcategories, out of 6 total.

Media in category "Body shape"

The following 6 files are in this category, out of 6 total.