Category:Economic crisis from 2007
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global economic decline around the end of the first decade of the 21st century | |||||
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This category has the following 8 subcategories, out of 8 total.
Media in category "Economic crisis from 2007"
The following 91 files are in this category, out of 91 total.
2007-2009 World Financial Crisis.svg 636 × 336; 1.81 MB
2009-03-07 President Obama's Weekly Address.ogv 5 min 18 s, 1,280 × 720; 24.4 MB
2009-04-04 President Obama's Weekly Address.ogv 4 min 45 s, 1,280 × 720; 33.58 MB
22 2007-2008 global financial crisis effect in Bristol UK - credit crunch lunch.jpg 2,592 × 1,728; 1.54 MB
Abandoned construction project Cyprus May 2013.jpg 4,320 × 3,240; 1.45 MB
Alternative libertaire mensuel (24583670871).jpg 1,187 × 1,600; 859 KB
Alternative libertaire mensuel (24677213255).jpg 1,187 × 1,600; 867 KB
Animated current account surplus and deficit of Eurozone countries since 1999.webm 8.8 s, 960 × 540; 246 KB
Athens demo june 2011.jpg 3,072 × 2,304; 2.25 MB
Brent Spot monthly.svg 1,108 × 514; 14 KB
Brent.png 1,719 × 1,135; 129 KB
Brutto-Finanzierungsbedarf.png 1,351 × 570; 80 KB
Causes of the Great Recession (hy).svg 512 × 322; 137 KB
CDO issuances 2004-2012 (improved).png 534 × 313; 11 KB
CDO issuances 2004-2012-darker.png 547 × 311; 11 KB
CDOs issued 2004-2012.png 2,256 × 1,356; 215 KB
Changing projections of Greek debt-ar.png 691 × 947; 102 KB
Changing projections of Greek debt.png 691 × 947; 110 KB
Collateralized Debt Obligations.png 512 × 567; 24 KB
Collateralized Debt Obligations.svg 700 × 775; 404 KB
Complexity and the mortgage market - an example.pdf 1,650 × 1,275; 346 KB
Components of total US debt.svg 1,024 × 768; 22 KB
Components-of-total-US-debt.jpg 1,095 × 767; 53 KB
Creditors of Greece-ar.png 1,038 × 770; 127 KB
Creditors of Greece.png 1,038 × 770; 64 KB
Current Account Balances 2010.png 960 × 720; 8 KB
Deficits vs. Debt Increases - 2008.png 960 × 720; 6 KB
Deudagrecia2000-10.png 832 × 642; 93 KB
Dowjones crash 2008.svg 600 × 480; 29 KB
ECB SMP Bond Purchases DE.png 865 × 735; 59 KB
ECB SMP Bond Purchases-ar.png 787 × 729; 59 KB
ECB SMP Bond Purchases.png 787 × 729; 62 KB
Einlagefazilität.PNG 1,136 × 754; 36 KB
EinlagefazilitätEngl.PNG 1,051 × 724; 32 KB
Einspar-Wettbewerb (Negativ-Multiplikator).png 600 × 400; 24 KB
En-Central banks worldwide cut interest rates.ogg 2 min 27 s; 1.41 MB
En-G7 says all available tools will be used to solve crisis.ogg 3 min 2 s; 1.74 MB
En-Global markets plunge.ogg 1 min 57 s; 1.14 MB
En-IMF World on brink of recession prepares special loan program.ogg 1 min 42 s; 989 KB
En-Stock markets worldwide continue to fall.ogg 2 min 42 s; 1.51 MB
Euro-Pro-Kopf-Verschuldung.PNG 586 × 567; 56 KB
Evolucion Precio Vivienda España 1985 2012.png 1,108 × 692; 40 KB
Evropske (dez)integracije, 25. 4. 2014.ogv 8 min 58 s, 1,280 × 720; 137.7 MB
Finance-dowjones-chart1.jpg 370 × 278; 26 KB
Fiscal Compliance 2014 - structural deficit.png 717 × 1,057; 109 KB
Fiscal Compliance 2014 - Structurelles Defizit.png 829 × 1,051; 118 KB
Fiscal Compliance 2014-debt.png 723 × 1,018; 117 KB
Fiscal Compliance de.png 841 × 1,048; 89 KB
Freedom? When I am up to my neck in debt? (3560442366).jpg 1,809 × 2,599; 3.38 MB
GDP Real Growth in 2009.svg 940 × 415; 1.64 MB
General government gross debt and general government net lending borrowing in percent of GDP from 1999-2018.webm 7 d 11 h 5 min 5 s, 1,124 × 664; 7.18 MB
Government surplus or deficit (EU-USA-UK).png 429 × 367; 56 KB
Graffiti Berlusconi crisi Milano.jpg 1,712 × 2,288; 1.34 MB
Graffiti Ljubljana 117.jpg 1,836 × 2,406; 1.21 MB
I'm Rich! - Latviaball.jpg 676 × 1,280; 86 KB
Icesave logo.svg 1,024 × 350; 22 KB
IMF prepares to help Hungary and Ukraine.ogg 2 min 32 s; 2.61 MB
Impaired Securities.GIF 575 × 494; 21 KB
Langfristige Zinssätze (Eurozone).png 588 × 921; 154 KB
Loan performance in Varous Mortgage-Market Segments.GIF 813 × 526; 28 KB
Long-term interest rates (eurozone)-ar.png 865 × 1,052; 146 KB
Long-term interest rates (eurozone).png 836 × 1,018; 228 KB
Misery index Greece.png 970 × 604; 23 KB
Misery index selected countries end of 2010.png 970 × 604; 22 KB
Mortgage delinquencies by loan type (2000–2010).svg 512 × 289; 10 KB
Mortgage delinquencies by loan type - 1998-2010.GIF 512 × 384; 13 KB
NYUGDPFinancialShare.jpg 1,152 × 838; 56 KB
OccupiPDX (Portland, Oregon).ogv 2 min 41 s, 640 × 480; 37.68 MB
Pahor o javnih uslužbencih ( 2 min 18 s, 640 × 360; 7.99 MB
PER crise opportunities.JPG 439 × 257; 11 KB
Political Graffiti Ljubljana 02.jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 2.05 MB
Proti privatizaciji, za delavsko upravljanje in zadruge - diskusija s publiko.webm 2 min 13 s, 640 × 360; 11.92 MB
Proti privatizaciji, za delavsko upravljanje in zadruge.ogv 1 min 15 s, 1,280 × 720; 19.99 MB
Recovery-JobLossGain.png 1,237 × 474; 23 KB
RUPIIGSmap.png 1,358 × 1,245; 120 KB
Shadow banking.GIF 623 × 481; 19 KB
Sovereign credit default swaps.png 392 × 620; 71 KB
Staatsschulden-Euroraum.PNG 712 × 1,071; 247 KB
Stars and a starfish.jpg 485 × 627; 147 KB
Subprime mortgage originations, 1996-2008.GIF 684 × 552; 34 KB
TED Spread graph (2006–2010).svg 512 × 349; 6 KB
The Bush Deficit (4691566087).jpg 998 × 748; 101 KB
Third Straight Quarter of GDP Growth (4565425097).jpg 1,091 × 789; 129 KB
Turk o gospodarski krizi.webm 2 min 3 s, 640 × 360; 7 MB
UK debt compared to Eurozone average.png 694 × 735; 47 KB
When Greece falls.jpg 440 × 356; 18 KB
World trade.png 722 × 505; 16 KB
Wp ukrprombank closed.jpg 1,584 × 1,168; 999 KB