introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change | |||||
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This category has the following 34 subcategories, out of 34 total.
- Atmospheric plumes (4 F)
- Bioaccumulation (10 F)
- Polychlorinated biphenyls (68 F)
- Tarballs (8 F)
Media in category "Pollution"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 333 total.
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De-Verschmutzung.ogg 1.8 s; 17 KB
"Marmettola" (slurry) in the Carrione River, Carrara, 2021.jpg 2,448 × 3,264; 2.47 MB
'"The Times", 23 September 1865.png 1,833 × 990; 1.3 MB
1 peopleinlitpod-mp.jpg 2,000 × 1,333; 452 KB
2024 Skultuna Think Pink.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 3.96 MB
5-Marine litter.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 10.35 MB
A cigarette butt on a leaf - ubiquitous pets.jpg 2,909 × 1,840; 1.91 MB
A pollution abstracts.jpg 3,398 × 2,123; 4.59 MB
A worker welding outdoor for a school next to a busy bus stop, Tai Po, Hong Kong.webm 15 s, 1,080 × 1,920; 63.54 MB
Abstract Pollution 1997.jpg 3,904 × 2,448; 6.38 MB
AI End-Scenario 3 Necessary Rescue tamingtheaibeast.png 3,574 × 2,426; 921 KB
Antarctica, pollution, environment, Russia, Bellingshausen 4.JPG 1,266 × 863; 297 KB
Anthropocene layer.jpg 900 × 900; 321 KB
Assimilative Capacity Diagram.png 1,222 × 849; 131 KB
AtlasBX graphic.jpg 3,211 × 2,438; 1.15 MB
Atmosphere composition diagram.jpg 800 × 715; 100 KB
Back-Scattered Electron Micrograph of Coal Fly Ash small.tif 2,048 × 1,872; 11 MB
BadBagFence.jpg 1,024 × 1,531; 482 KB
Barbadosdustgraph.gif 466 × 343; 9 KB
BASOL Sols pollués france.jpg 760 × 612; 99 KB
Beat Pollution.jpg 4,427 × 2,952; 2.41 MB
Beer bottle 13.jpg 2,898 × 1,786; 1.47 MB
Bio-magnification in a pond ecosystem.svg 512 × 384; 136 KB
Biodegradacióaeròbicapcb.png 2,928 × 1,549; 209 KB
Biodegradacióanaeròbicapcb.png 1,214 × 213; 21 KB
Black-Sea.jpg 3,874 × 2,892; 12.79 MB
Bodemverontreiniging Vuilnis, Bestanddeelnr 167-0068.jpg 2,554 × 2,551; 1.21 MB
Bästeträsk 1107-0937.jpg 3,008 × 2,000; 2.7 MB
Capteur de pollution Qameleo fait à Blolab au cours du RNIS du 08 au 16 septembre 2022.jpg 2,976 × 3,968; 2.83 MB
Carbón en la Playa.jpg 960 × 720; 63 KB
Carrione river in Carrara, polluted by "marmettola" (slurry), 2021.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 4.32 MB
Chat Pile at Picher, Oklahoma Superfund Site.jpg 2,272 × 1,587; 4.51 MB
Chemical contamination of drinking water.jpg 3,803 × 1,770; 638 KB
Ciclepcb.tiff 709 × 338; 702 KB
CLEANER RIVER.jpg 4,128 × 3,096; 3.41 MB
Conduite-enterree.png 547 × 410; 442 KB
Consumcongeneres.png 1,780 × 1,190; 440 KB
Consumidors.png 724 × 434; 107 KB
Contaminacion del medio ambiente.png 1,146 × 556; 348 KB
Contaminación del suelo.jpg 274 × 206; 16 KB
Coordinated-Movement-of-Cytoplasmic-and-Transmembrane-Domains-of-RyR1-upon-Gating-pbio.1000085.sv001.ogv 1 min 7 s, 300 × 300; 4.18 MB
Coordinated-Movement-of-Cytoplasmic-and-Transmembrane-Domains-of-RyR1-upon-Gating-pbio.1000085.sv002.ogv 1 min 9 s, 300 × 300; 5.54 MB
Dalchau 1702-0389.jpg 3,662 × 5,488; 4.61 MB
Dead Colonel Sanders.jpg 7,680 × 5,760; 4.3 MB
Dead flag.jpg 7,680 × 5,760; 7.78 MB
Dead puffer.jpg 7,680 × 5,760; 7.1 MB
Dead Starbuck's cup.jpg 7,680 × 5,760; 6.64 MB
Dead Tim Horton's cup.jpg 5,760 × 7,680; 9.58 MB
Diagram of a respirator used to filter and purify air Wellcome L0041517.jpg 2,096 × 3,980; 1.88 MB
Diagram of an experimental ventilation system Wellcome L0041516.jpg 2,864 × 2,484; 1.78 MB
Dirty-industry-stack-factory (24217960132).jpg 5,760 × 3,840; 6.9 MB
DSC07429 Chemiemüllhalde Griesheimer Alpe.jpg 5,472 × 1,816; 1.66 MB
Dépenses sols pollués en pourcent du PIB AEE.jpg 988 × 852; 147 KB
E field reconstruction.png 800 × 581; 17 KB
Eau devant la maison.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 2.6 MB
Eau devant une maison.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 2.91 MB
ECOLCA Greenhouse gases.jpg 609 × 387; 31 KB
EffetsDeLaPollutionSurLaSante.svg 1,482 × 1,053; 628 KB
EIOLCA1.jpg 603 × 382; 34 KB
EIOLCA3.jpg 597 × 382; 32 KB
Ekologija Save.jpg 640 × 480; 46 KB
Emissionscongèneres.png 1,568 × 1,010; 161 KB
Emissionseuropa.png 1,725 × 2,174; 31 KB
Environment decontamination (Part 1).webm 5 min 48 s, 1,920 × 1,080; 11.88 MB
Environmental pollution (water pollution).jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 3.46 MB
Environmental pollution 01.jpg 692 × 490; 89 KB
Environmental pollution 02.jpg 691 × 492; 62 KB
Environmental pollution.jpg 692 × 490; 83 KB
Environmental pollution.png 836 × 902; 1.11 MB
Equilibrio homem natureza.png 536 × 434; 15 KB
Esquema cambra sedimentació.png 997 × 557; 15 KB
Esquema de movilidad de contaminantes.jpg 478 × 308; 27 KB
ETS-Lab Office.jpg 4,928 × 3,264; 4.86 MB
Eutrophication in Lake Erie.jpg 1,605 × 1,217; 710 KB
Expl699972745x800x800.jpg 800 × 450; 140 KB
Expl700229763x800x800.jpg 800 × 450; 136 KB
Expl700976781x800x800.jpg 800 × 450; 213 KB
Expl701076781x800x800.jpg 800 × 450; 166 KB
Fig 3 end. Emission volumes.jpg 2,223 × 1,925; 1.45 MB
Fig cth calcul Jap..jpg 1,456 × 1,026; 72 KB
Figure 1.png 560 × 420; 7 KB
Formation sur Comment contribuer avec Wikidata 2.jpg 960 × 540; 40 KB
Formation sur Comment contribuer avec Wikidata.jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 444 KB
Foumire1 wi.jpg 162 × 111; 12 KB
Fr-pollution.ogg 1.3 s; 15 KB
Garbage Pollution.jpg 3,576 × 2,237; 2 MB
Gas counter anode electric field.gif 1,278 × 978; 32 KB
Gilliland IMG 0659 (11636366696).jpg 1,024 × 768; 105 KB
Global-plastics-production.png 3,400 × 2,400; 337 KB
Green data book population 3.png 1,000 × 562; 46 KB
Health effects of pollution- Arabic.png 738 × 524; 389 KB
Health effects of pollution-es.png 738 × 545; 389 KB
Health effects of pollution.png 3,294 × 2,340; 2.24 MB
Health effects of pollution.svg 1,482 × 1,053; 627 KB
Heartbreaking Photos Of Pollution That Will Inspire You To Recycle.jpg 736 × 981; 163 KB
Hombre limpiando el Carbón en Pala Las Ventanas.jpg 960 × 720; 63 KB
Incineration Toxic Chart.JPG 666 × 322; 22 KB
Ingestadiària.png 724 × 434; 39 KB
Intervalos.jpg 400 × 652; 107 KB
Ion chamber operation.gif 3,241 × 2,258; 124 KB
IPPC1.png 1,543 × 1,102; 250 KB
IPPC2.png 1,543 × 1,102; 249 KB
IPPC3.png 1,543 × 1,102; 211 KB
Jfhomesweethome.jpg 500 × 323; 82 KB
K4641-1rootscientists.jpg 1,786 × 2,700; 1,014 KB
Kashi the city of moksha.jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 3.22 MB
Kolkata Maidan called 'the lungs of Kolkata' 8.jpg 1,920 × 2,560; 773 KB
La pollution de l’air.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 4.41 MB
La pollution des sols.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 5.18 MB
La pollution organique.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 3.92 MB
La pollution urbaine dans la ville de dschang.jpg 3,120 × 4,160; 6.72 MB
La pollution urbaine.jpg 720 × 540; 384 KB
La pollution végétale.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 5.27 MB
La salie wharf gironde france.JPG 3,264 × 4,928; 4.87 MB
Land pollution.jpg 750 × 540; 110 KB
Land-based sources of pollution threats to coral reefs.png 759 × 585; 347 KB
Les briques peuvent causer la pollution de l'environnement.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 3.41 MB
Litter on the Crocodile Pond.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 2.87 MB
Love Canal protest.jpg 221 × 312; 56 KB
Luftverschmutzung im Winter über Thüringen.JPG 1,920 × 2,560; 1.05 MB
Lusaka peri-urban area, pit latrine (3794845744).jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 357 KB
Lusaka peri-urban area, pit latrine (3794845822).jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 415 KB
Lämmastiksaasteringe.JPG 872 × 390; 114 KB
Main Entrance to Kfar Yehoshua.jpg 2,816 × 2,112; 972 KB
Markert for Shipping Pollution.png 1,046 × 728; 164 KB
Monton Canal (6886396822).jpg 3,290 × 4,370; 2.29 MB
Mugre al fondo de un agua estancada.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 1.14 MB
Nafta destilleerimine.gif 428 × 522; 32 KB
NanoplasticsActicAntarctic2022.jpg 1,144 × 886; 244 KB
Nas Rang schema2.jpg 1,311 × 697; 84 KB
Nasal Ranger schem.png 1,327 × 842; 10 KB
Naso elettronico durante il monitoraggio in continuo al ricettore.jpg 1,500 × 2,000; 504 KB
Ndotja atmosferike.jpg 1,000 × 562; 56 KB
Nid d'oiseau tissé avec du plastique à l'Aire Marine Protégée de Joal-Fadiouth.jpg 3,060 × 4,080; 9.05 MB
Nitrogen Dioxide LUMO.jpg 434 × 262; 167 KB
Nitrogen Dioxide Molecule.jpg 423 × 350; 225 KB
Nitrogen Dioxide.jpg 329 × 292; 137 KB
Ocean Conservation Namibia rescuing an entangled seal.jpg 640 × 427; 51 KB
Ocean Conservation Namibia rescuing seals.jpg 640 × 426; 98 KB
Odor intens Web-Fechn.png 939 × 603; 109 KB
Odour disp model results 2.jpg 2,761 × 1,930; 477 KB
Odour Neth 1980 2005.jpg 614 × 321; 15 KB
Odour Neth 1980.jpg 558 × 277; 18 KB
Odour Qual Stand (N).jpg 1,512 × 1,134; 140 KB
Odour Qual Stand (Pl).jpg 1,490 × 1,111; 123 KB
Odour Qual Stand 1.jpg 1,534 × 1,098; 136 KB
Odour Qual Stand 1.png 1,543 × 1,102; 391 KB
Odour Qual Stand 2.jpg 1,533 × 1,098; 140 KB
Odour Qual Stand 3.jpg 1,533 × 1,098; 140 KB
Odour Qual Stand D'.jpg 1,358 × 772; 81 KB
Odour Qual Stand D.jpg 1,516 × 1,092; 125 KB
Odour Qual Stand IPPC A.jpg 1,461 × 1,127; 119 KB
Odour Qual Stand IPPC B.jpg 1,457 × 1,124; 127 KB
Odour Qual Stand IPPC C.jpg 1,466 × 1,127; 130 KB
OdourQual2.png 1,543 × 1,102; 399 KB
OduorQual2.svg 1,534 × 1,098; 242 KB
OdurQual3.png 1,543 × 1,102; 408 KB
Ollo (1).jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 7.58 MB
Optical modulation.gif 800 × 382; 28 KB
Ozono.gif 468 × 279; 4 KB
Paint dust inside a Hong Kong apartment for rent.png 720 × 1,440; 704 KB
PBs2023-cs.svg 512 × 484; 126 KB
PBs2023-de.svg 1,318 × 1,241; 242 KB
PBs2023.svg 1,279 × 1,234; 310 KB
Pencemaran Lingkungan karena Sampah.jpg 2,340 × 4,160; 1.42 MB
Pencemaran lingkungan pantai Kedonganan.jpg 4,064 × 3,048; 4.83 MB
Pentaorganostannane.png 430 × 375; 7 KB
Pfff !.jpg 4,016 × 6,016; 15.61 MB
Photowalk pictures for biodiversity and pollution 01.jpg 3,120 × 4,160; 4.18 MB
Photowalk pictures for biodiversity and pollution 02.jpg 3,120 × 4,160; 4.51 MB
Photowalk pictures for biodiversity and pollution 03.jpg 3,120 × 4,160; 3.17 MB
Photowalk pictures for biodiversity and pollution 04.jpg 3,120 × 4,160; 2.94 MB
Photowalk pictures for biodiversity and pollution 05.jpg 3,120 × 4,160; 5.41 MB
Pianura Padana.jpg 3,996 × 2,664; 3.97 MB
Plastic bottle in Pangong Lake.jpg 600 × 800; 631 KB
Plastic Bottle in Pangong Waters.jpg 600 × 800; 532 KB
Plastic Bottle Waste at Pangong Lake.jpg 800 × 1,067; 724 KB
Plastic pollution 083.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 760 KB
Playing with the waste.jpg 6,016 × 4,016; 10.62 MB
Pm 25 all ca.gif 460 × 360; 5 KB
Pm25 air quality concentration levels.png 186 × 644; 11 KB
Polluants UE 2002 fR.jpg 950 × 559; 96 KB
Polluted beach.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 2.19 MB
Polluted estuary.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 8 MB
Polluted water. algal bloom 2.jpg 6,000 × 8,000; 15.46 MB
Polluted water. algal bloom.jpg 6,000 × 8,000; 15 MB