Commons:Picture of the Year/2013/Help/lb

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This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Picture of the Year/2013/Help and the translation is 57% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Picture of the Year/2013/Help and have to be approved by a translation administrator.

Bild vum Joer 2013
D'Resultater sti scho fest! Resultater weisen »

POTY 2013 : IntroductionRulesDiscussionTimelineTranslationsCommitteeHelpR1 Candidates / Gallery / TableR2 GalleryResults

Skip to 'ask a question' Op eng Fro stellen sprangen

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Wéini fänkt et un?

  • D'Ronn 1 fänkt den 17. Januar 2014 un an hält den 7. Februar 2014 op
  • Déi 2. Ronn fänkt den 21. Februar 2014 un an hält den 7. Mäerz 2014 op

Wat fir eng Biller kënne beim Concours matmaachen?

All Biller déi 2013 als exzellent Biller gewielt goufen an déi Auszeechnung behal hu sinn an der 1. Ronn dobäi. Déi beléifst Biller aus der Ronn 1 kommen an d'Ronn 2.

Zielt meng Stëmm vum Beta-Test, wann ech walberechtegt sinn?

Yes, as long as the vote is valid (meaning we can identify the picture you have voted for, the picture was not added to the gallery by a mistake or vandalism and no error occurred). You can check all your votes in your contributions or by clicking the 'My POTY' control panel in the top right corner on a gallery page.

Däerf ech ofstëmmen nodeem datt d'Periode vun de Walen eriwwer ass?

Your vote can't be counted if you voted after the voting period is over. Voting pages are frozen after the voting period ends. We won't punish voting after the voting period with a block or other administrative action, but your vote may be reversed.

Wou ass d'Hëllef fir de verbesserten Ofstëmmungs-Tool?

It is located at this page. JavaScript must be enabled in your browser to use the enhanced voting tool. While we will try to help users vote, we are unable to provide in-depth technical support due to vote volume. Click here for instructions to turn JavaScript on in your browser.

The 'My POTY' control panel tells me I am ineligible but I know that I am eligible.

De My POTY Link ass op alle Säiten op deenen Dir ofstëmme kënnt.

Wann dat de Fall ass gëtt e méi Schrëtt déi Dir maache kënnt.

  1. First, make sure that your Wikimedia Commons and your home wiki accounts are linked to each other. Klickt hei fir Är Benotzerkonten ze verlinken »
  2. Click on the 'My POTY' control panel in the top right corner of any gallery page. In the popup that appear, click the "Check again" button in the eligibility-section of My POTY.
  3. If this does not work, click on the 'Remove' button in 'My POTY' and reload the page.
  1. If this does not work, it may be necessary to delete the cache and the cookies in your browser. This is usually possible from your Internet browser's preferences or settings panel. Performing an Internet search or contacting the maker of your Internet browser may be helpful in learning how to clear your cache or delete cookies. After deleting cookies, you might be logged-out. My POTY can be found on all gallery pages if your browser has JavaScript enabled.
Äre Cache eidelmaachen - Einfach Beschreiwung
An de meeschte Windows a Linux-Browseren:
  • Hold down Ctrl and press F5.

Mat Apple Safari:

  • Hold down  Shift and click the Reload toolbar button.

Mat Chrome fir Mac:

  • Hold down  Cmd and press R.

Mat Firefox fir Mac:

  • Hold down  Cmd and press F5.

Wat weisen d'Statistiken?

They are provided to show trends but are not necessarily correct. Invalid candidates and votes are included. Use them with care, since they update about twice a day, so voting for a file will not immediately change them.

Wéi kann ech manuell oftstëmmen?

  1. Be sure you are eligible to vote, and are logged in to Wikimedia Commons. It may be a good idea to have unified your Wikimedia accounts.
  2. On the Picture of the Year page click Vote now ».
  3. Klickt op eng Kategorie.
  4. Click on the Info button below and to the right of the image you want to vote for.
  5. Click on the Votelist link in the tiny popup.
  6. Click edit on the Votes section
  7. Setzt Ären Numm esou dobäi wéi aner Benotzer dat virun Iech gemaach hunn. Zum Beispill: # [[User:Myusername|Myusername]]
  8. Klickt Säit späicheren.

If you don't do it correctly, you will receive a message after attempting to save. It will tell you how to vote correctly.

Due to vote volume, we cannot provide in-depth technical support, but try looking in your browser's settings and menus or searching online for the answer to your question.

Who are running the contest?

Have a look at the Committee page, here.

Eng Fro stellen

Wann Dir d'Äntwert op Är Fro hei driwwer net fonnt hutt,

Klickt hei fir eng Fro ze stellen Opgepasst: Den Titel dee gewise gëtt "<span style="/* attempt to bypass $wgRestrictDisplayTitle */">Commons:Picture of the Year/2013/Help/lb</span>" iwwerschreift deen Titel dee virdru gewise gouf "Commons:Bild vum Joer/2013/Hëllef".