Commons:Picture of the Year/2017/R1/v/Свети Стефан Дечански (Манастир Јасеновац).jpg

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Picture of the Year 2017
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Свети Стефан Дечански (Манастир Јасеновац).jpg

To vote, you must

  1. ...have registered before Mon, 01 Jan 2018 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
  2. ...and have more than 75 edits before Mon, 01 Jan 2018 00:00:00 +0000 UTC in any single Wikimedia project that is still alive.
  • Users must vote with an account meeting the above requirements either on Commons or another Wikimedia project. For other Wikimedia projects, the account must be attached to the user's Commons account through SUL.
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  • One vote per picture.


  1. Michael Barera
  2. Twofortnights
  3. Kiril Simeonovski
  4. Julle
  5. Качуровська
  6. Frettie
  7. DerBorg
  8. MWAK
  9. Soundwaweserb
  10. Jetam2
  11. Piotr Bart
  12. Shi Annan
  13. Sapiensjpa
  14. Kalapulla123
  15. Amqui
  16. BD2412
  17. David Eppstein
  18. Milanl1991
  19. Abductive
  20. Dschehhutimes Aleksander
  21. Alexmar983
  22. Lyttle-Wight
  23. Geohakkeri
  24. M G Tuffen
  25. Dostojewskij
  26. Hortensja Bukietowa
  27. Professorcornbread
  28. Andriy Burdyk
  29. Filipović Zoran
  30. Bluerasberry
  31. DrPZ
  32. Hautala
  33. Mithunc
  34. Teddyyy
  35. Nutcracker100
  36. Nina Flor
  37. Platonides