Commons:Picture of the Year/2021/R2/v/Everest-3D-Map-Type-EN.jpg

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Picture of the Year 2021
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To vote, you must

  1. ...have registered before Sat, 01 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
  2. ...and have more than 75 edits before Sat, 01 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0000 UTC in any single Wikimedia project that is still alive.
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  • Three votes for three different candidates in total.


  1. Gilc
  2. FacetsOfNonStickPans
  3. Emw
  4. Halowand
  5. Irmaguru
  6. W.wolny
  7. Toni Pecoraro
  8. Frettie
  9. Monsieur le Baron de Toponymie
  10. Xrkkt
  11. Iniquity
  12. Mateusz Konieczny
  13. OwenBlacker
  14. LindsayH
  15. Покровитель хлебных злаков
  16. Vostokoed
  17. 曹白魚
  18. Effeietsanders
  19. Geoalex
  20. Ciseleur
  21. Ileana n
  23. Ynhockey
  24. Jormtz
  25. Gnom
  26. Thgoiter
  27. Hamuli
  28. Buzzfly
  29. Ле Лой
  30. Emaus
  31. Uli Zappe
  32. Plasmaniac
  33. Fred Regent
  34. Eryakaas
  35. Sonnenblume08
  36. Mirer
  37. RedWolf
  38. Mr Max500
  39. Dani di Neudo
  40. Rampion
  41. David Eppstein
  42. Faolin42
  43. Jlearn48
  44. Inehmo
  45. Danallen46
  46. Champlax
  47. Wainuiomartian
  48. Alexmar983
  49. WhatamIdoing
  50. Glorius
  51. Netha Hussain
  52. Ameisenigel
  53. Elutz
  54. Osomite
  55. Panbearboo
  56. Parthsbod K.A. Hakhamaneshian
  57. Yeti Dai
  58. Homonihilis
  59. JRennocks
  60. PMG
  61. Uncitoyen
  62. SK071
  63. Duży Bartek