Commons:Picture of the Year/2021/R2/v/Schloss Langenburg-msu-2021-0306-.jpg

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Picture of the Year 2021
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Schloss Langenburg-msu-2021-0306-.jpg

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  1. DarkShadowTNT
  2. Summering2018
  3. CaptainEek
  4. Macacc
  5. Filipović Zoran
  6. Awesomecat713
  7. Apisite
  9. Roc0ast3r
  10. Alexxx1979
  11. Orcair
  12. Reywas92
  13. Zoram.hakaan
  14. Thingofme
  15. EpicPupper
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  40. Andrea 1204
  41. Le Commissaire
  42. Ban Bridges
  43. Ngoclong19
  44. Иван Олефиренко
  45. Celest
  46. Frank Schulenburg
  47. Rezadabir
  48. Vikashegde
  49. Raymo111
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  52. Bonne1978
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  106. Steffen 962
  107. Martinkunev
  108. Caeschfloh
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  111. Froideval67
  112. Magdalena Horn-Costolloe (WMDE)
  113. Gzen92
  114. WJ94
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  127. Kolchak1923
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  151. JrawX
  152. Tostho
  153. Vainshtein.Sasha
  154. Md Maruf Parvez
  155. Joeytje50
  156. Beko
  157. Hnyylilu
  158. Gower
  159. Silpol
  160. Jan.Kamenicek
  161. Leha-11
  162. SolarisPenguin
  163. Achim Raschka
  164. Hermod