Commons:Picture of the Year/2022/R1/v/Truppachtal Erlen Schnee-20190204-RM-173136.jpg

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Picture of the Year 2022
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Truppachtal Erlen Schnee-20190204-RM-173136.jpg

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  1. SchizoidNightmares
  2. Parma1983
  3. Red-tailed hawk
  4. Mostafameraji
  5. BD2412
  6. Abductive
  7. Deltahead
  8. Ilzolende
  9. Apisite
  10. 名字长的让人受不了
  11. Shizhao
  12. Wolverène
  13. Nella.hohlova
  14. פעמי-עליון
  15. LevandeMänniska
  16. Noxbis
  17. ChhTJ096
  18. MJJR
  19. SelfCloak
  20. NikosLikomitros
  21. Cincotta1
  22. Meno25
  23. Zapyon
  24. Lion-hearted85
  25. Kenrick95
  26. Nsophiay
  27. Alexxx1979
  28. Therou
  29. Eien20
  30. Arcuscloud
  31. Филин07
  32. L. Beck
  33. Jsamwrites
  34. Ampimd
  35. Kiito M
  36. Thi
  37. Siggi Weide
  38. MarcelBuehner
  39. HMa
  40. Giaccai
  41. Ajpvalente
  42. Makary
  43. Simon Peter Hughes
  44. BeatrixBelibaste
  45. Игорь Филиппов
  46. Nicu Farcaș
  47. Knotimpressed
  48. FreeToDisagree
  49. Fabiorahamim
  50. Lawrence142002
  51. Vgo61
  52. Ajia4ty
  53. Tucvbif
  54. Piotr Bart
  55. Peaceful Commons
  56. Michael Barera
  57. DaSupremo
  58. Jianhui67
  59. Duży Bartek
  60. DG745
  61. Traumrune
  62. Buli
  63. Guy Delsaut
  64. Rachmat04
  65. Rohieb
  66. SUZUKI Koichi
  67. Simeon
  68. Eddie891
  69. Sheahunter1
  70. Luna Moonshine
  71. Kiril Simeonovski
  72. Nioger
  73. Horst J. Meuter
  74. Giov.c
  75. Juandev
  76. Kiryienka
  77. Captain Galaxy
  78. Лапоть
  79. Yuval CT
  80. Tramu
  81. Grest7
  82. Birdofadozentides
  83. Mashtato
  84. GonGorf
  85. Drhankh
  86. MZaplotnik
  87. Happy5214
  88. Dirtsc
  89. Hessian
  90. Roupheinos
  91. Kay2370
  92. Yeuzio
  93. George Chernilevsky
  94. Brackenheim
  95. Vux
  96. Waz8
  97. Demidenko
  98. Robina Fox
  99. Kacamata
  100. Rohalamin
  101. Cyfraw
  102. Iamapighhh
  103. Tintenklecks
  104. Rzuwig
  105. Donald Trung
  106. Alhadis
  107. Daniel Case
  109. Gce
  110. JKRS's
  111. EuropAir
  112. Quenhitran
  113. בוב שלג
  114. Lystopad
  115. Kadı
  116. Dhtwiki