Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2013 in the United Kingdom/planning/Meeting 2

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Basic information

  • Date: Friday 31 May 2013, 2pm–3pm BST (13:00–14:00 UTC)
  • Venue: WMUK phone conference system
  • Participants: All welcome!
  • Contacts: For access information or questions, please contact Katie Chan on, 020 7065 0990


  • Confirm that we will be going ahead
  • Discuss requirements for organization and best practices with Lodewijk (User:Effeietsanders), with reference to the list of tasks, below
  • Agree members of steering committee, now if possible
  • Divide the organizational work between the various teams and helpers
  • AOB
  • Decide next steps and next meeting

Tasks, for discussion

  • Need to get more volunteers
  • Set up a portal page for Wiki Loves Monuments in the UK on the English Wikipedia

Prepare monument lists

  • Download into spreadsheets the official entries (x4) for all the eligible buildings.
  • Review data and decide which fields we will be using
  • Upload to Wikipedia
  • Check Wikidata is correct against current versions of the official lists
  • Setup all required categories on Commons and pages on Wikipedia

Set up tools for competitors

  • Define upload templates
  • Define and implement main upload mechanism (UploadWizard)
  • Set up a Flickr group
  • Define and implement a tool to upload images that participants have placed on Flickr
  • Discuss possible other upload options?
  • Test all upload options
  • Document the tools

Rules and jury

  • Define some proposed rules and judging criteria for the UK contest, and put up for discussion
  • Decide how to appoint jury members

Documentation and competitor resources


Public relations

  • Set up team to review and advise on PR requirements, including press releases and external outreach
  • Seek official backing from the listing organizations
  • Contact other partner organizations or institutions
  • Find sponsors to provide awards and promotional materials (may be the same as partners)
  • Consider and advise on a local events programme
  • Discuss formal role of WMUK, if any, and obtain approval from WMUK board
  • Write and send press releases to the media:
  • Initial announcement of competition
  • Middle-of-the-contest press release
  • Final press release, with details of winners
  • E-mail volunteers, partners and sponsors and invite them to the awards ceremony

Official UK website

  • Set up a page like this one to allow easy registration on the mailing list
  • Write initial landing page at
  • Set up an official website eg by copying this one at & (currently redirects back to Commons)

Physical events

  • Attend Wikimania, and publicize the UK competition
  • Consider and agree local events programme (around the country)?
  • Host awards ceremony

Commons processing

  • Get team together to categorize all images & to fix upload errors, before, during and after contest


  • Decide how to evaluate the project
  • Write participants' survey
  • complete the evaluation and post results/recommendations

Unedited Etherpad notes taken during the meeting


Present: Michael Maggs, Richard, Katie, Lodewijk, HJ Mitchell

   Confirm that we will be going ahead
   Discuss requirements for organization and best practices with Lodewijk (User:Effeietsanders), with reference to the list of tasks, below
   Agree members of steering committee, now if possible
   Divide the organizational work between the various teams and helpers
   Decide next steps and next meeting

Pages Main



Notes (joint note taking)

HJ agrees to join steering committee

We need more volunteers?

Publicise at AGM and social afterwards

Essential List of monuments - as complete / accurate on wikipedia

   - don't assume blue link = exist and complete
   - check every list
   - see also:

Set up infestructure

   - website (wordpress template, can the Technology Committee help with this?) see also:
   - rules
   - clear explanation how to upload
   - prizes
   - jury how-to / expectation
   - actual jury start ~october
   - partners ? (i.e. English Hertiage, Cadw, Historic Scotland, Northern Ireland Environment Agency)
   - upload wizard
   - translation

Provide clear notice of how to upload images of listed buildings that already have images Events Germany, Holiday - small grant - rent a car drive round country for a week and take photos Small grant / package to set up event locally NL - local library wanted photos of local monuments so set up special prize for area sponsor by library, PR by library locally, library jury Pre-planned route suggestion of monuments along a route with their number so easy upload ACTIONS Set up templates for listed buildings in the UK

   - make sure lists use templates

KTC to check overseas terrorities and crown dependencies and feedback to mailing list

