Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

Azərbaycanca: Mustafa Kamal Atatürk (1881–1938) — osmanlı-türk paşa, marşal, islahatçı, siyasətçi və dövlət xadimi. Ölkəsində monarxiyanı ləğv edərək respublikanı qurdu və 1923-cü ildən 1938-ci ilə qədər prezident olaraq vəzifə etdi.
Bosanski: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881. – 1938.) bio je turski oficir (paša) i političar i osnivač je moderne Turske republike.
Català: Mustafà Kemal Atatürk (1881-1938) va ser un polític turc. Va ser un oficial de l'exèrcit turc i cèlebre estadista així com el fundador i primer president de la moderna República de Turquia.
Čeština: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881–1938) byl turecký vojevůdce a státník, zakladatel a první prezident Turecké republiky (1923).
Deutsch: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881-1938) war ein türkischer Feldmarschall, Nationalrevolutionär und Staatsgründer.
English: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881–1938) was a Turkish field marshal and statesman; founder and the first president of the Republic of Turkey.
Español: Mustafá Kemal Atatürk (1881-1938) fue un mariscal de campo y célebre estadista turco, así como el fundador y primer presidente de la República de Turquía.
Français : Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881-1938) est un homme d'État turc, fondateur et premier président de la République de Turquie.
Hrvatski: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881. - 1938.), turski vojni zapovjednik, narodni vođa i utemeljitelj turske republike te njen prvi predsjednik (1923. - 1938.).
Italiano: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881-1938) è stato un generale e politico turco, fondatore e primo Presidente della Turchia.
Nederlands: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881–1938) was een Ottomaanse en later Turkse legerofficier, schrijver, politicus en grondlegger van de republiek Turkije, waarvan hij de eerste president was.
Norsk: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (født i 1881, død i 1938) var en tyrkisk feltmarskalk og statsmann. Han grunnla den tyrkiske republikken etter Det osmanske rikets fall rett etter første verdenskrig, og ble også landets første president.
Polski: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881-1938) – turecki polityk, wojskowy, mąż stanu, współtwórca i pierwszy prezydent Republiki Turcji.
Português: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881-1938) foi um marechal de campo, estadista revolucionário turco e fundador da República da Turquia, assim como o seu primeiro presidente.
Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881. — 1938.) je turski vojskovođa, revolucionar i državnik koji se smatra ocem i osnivačem moderne Turske.
Suomi: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881–1938) oli Osmanien valtakunnan kenraali ja turkkilainen valtiomies, Turkin tasavallan perustaja ja ensimmäinen presidentti.
Svenska: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (född i 1881, död i 1938) var en turkisk fältmarskalk och revolutionär statsman. Han grundade det moderna Turkiet och var dess förste president från 29 oktober 1923 fram till sin död 1938.
Türkçe: Kemal Atatürk (1934'e kadar Mustafa Kemal Paşa, 1935'ten 1937'ye kadar Kamâl Atatürk, yaygın olarak Mustafa Kemal Atatürk; 1881-1938), Türk mareşal ve devlet adamı. Kurucusu olduğu Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nde 1923'ten 1938'e kadar cumhurbaşkanı olarak görev yaptı.
Ελληνικά: Ο Μουσταφά Κεμάλ Ατατούρκ (1881-1938) ήταν Τούρκος στρατιωτικός και πολιτικός. Ήταν ιδρυτής και πρώτος πρόεδρος της Τουρκικής Δημοκρατίας.
Български: Мустафа Кемал Ататюрк (1881 – 1938) е турски военен деец и политик, писател, основател на Република Турция и неин пръв председател на Парламента (1920 – 1923), министър-председател (1920 – 1921) и президент (1923 – 1938). Фелдмаршал.
Македонски: Мустафа Кемал Ататурк (1881-1938) — турски државник, основач на современата турска држава.
Русский: Мустафа Кемаль Ататюрк (1881—1938) — османский и турецкий реформатор, политик, государственный деятель и военачальник; основатель и первый лидер Республиканской народной партии Турции; первый президент Турецкой Республики, основатель современного турецкого государства.
Српски / srpski: Мустафа Кемал Ататурк (1881—1938), оснивач модерне Турске и служио је као њен први председник од 1923. до његове смрти 1938.
Українська: Мустафа Кемаль Ататюрк (1881—1938) — видатний державний і політичний діяч Туреччини, турецький генерал; перший президент Туреччини; лідер Турецької війни за незалежність проти поділу колишньої Османської імперії після 1-ї Світової війни.
한국어: 무스타파 케말 아타튀르크 또는 케말 파샤(1881 ~ 1938)는 터키의 육군 장교, 혁명가, 작가이며 터키 공화국의 건국자이자 초대 대통령이다.
日本語: ムスタファ・ケマル・アタテュルク(1881年 - 1938年)は、オスマン帝国の将軍、トルコ共和国の元帥、初代大統領(在任1923年10月29日 - 1938年11月10日)。 トルコ独立戦争とトルコ革命を僚友たちとともに指導したことで知られる。
中文: 穆斯塔法·凱末爾·阿塔图尔克(1881年-1938年)是土耳其的軍官、改革家、作家和領導人,土耳其共和國第一任總統、總理及國民議會議長,被譽為現代土耳其的肇建者。
العربية : مصطفى كمال أتاتورك (1938-1881) مؤسس جمهورية تركيا الحديثة وأول رئيس لها.
فارسی : مصطفی کمال آتاترک (یا «آتاتورک») (زاده ۱۸۸۱ – درگذشت ۱۹۳۸) رزمنده جنگ استقلال ترکیه و دولتمرد, نویسنده و بنیانگذار جمهوری ترکیه بود.
Early life, 1881–1904
Home in Selanik
Sister, mother, himself
1901, War Academy
Atatürk's Home in Salonica (Thessaloniki)
[edit]Military career, 1905–1918
11 January 1905, on the day of graduation from the Military Academy
Staff Captain
1906, Damascus
Arkadaşları ile Şam'da, 1907
İzzettin Çalışlar ile Selanik'te, 1910
Picardie Manevraları'nda, Fransa, 28 Eylül 1910
1910, Picardy
Trablusgarp'ta, ~1912
1912, Tripoli
Tedavi için gittiği Karlsbad'da, 1918
World War I
[edit]Ottoman Empire engaged in the Middle Eastern theatre of World War I.
[edit]Ottoman Empire engaged in the Battle of Gallipoli.
1915, trenches (original)
1915, trenches (coloured)
1915, commanding officers
[edit]Ottoman Empire engaged in the Caucasus Campaign.
1916, Bitlis
1917, Diyarbakır
Sinai and Palestine
[edit]Ottoman Empire engaged in the Sinai and Palestine Campaign.
1917, Aleppo
1918, Aleppo
War of Independence, May 1919 – July 1923
[edit]Turkish National Movement engaged in the Turkish War of Independence.
Initial organization
1919, on the way to Samsun
1919, in front of the building of the Vilayet of Ankara, praying
1919, Sivas Congress with Rauf Bey
1920, Ankara with İsmet Pasha
Jurisdictional conflict
Ethem the Circassian, his Circassian hands and Mustafa Kemal Pasha in front of the main building of the station, who were on their way to the Yozgat rebellion (June 1920)
5 August 1921, as the Supreme Military Commander
10 September 1921, Battle of Sakarya; Fevzi Çakmak, Kâzım Özalp, Kemal Atatürk, İsmet İnönü, and Hayrullah Fişek.
Battle of Sakarya
9 September 1921, Polatlı
Büyük Taarruz öncesi atış taliminde, 1922
Stage for peace
Cevat Abbas Gürer ile, 1922
1922, İsmet Pasha coming from the Lausanne Conference.
18 Ocak 1923, İzmit
1923, Mersin
Presidency, 1923–1938
[edit]He became the first president of Turkey.
Domestic policies
1924, public speech in Bursa
1924, Atatürk speaks at the groundbreaking ceremony of the Samsun-Çarşamba railroad
Şapka Devrimi'nden sonra Ankara'da, 1925
Haydarpaşa Garı'nda, 1927
1927, Ankara
Personally introducing the new alphabet. Kayseri, September 20, 1928
1929, Ankara
1930, Tokat
1930, Istanbul University Faculty of Law
1931, Izmir High School for Girls
Vatandaşla sohbet ederken, 30 Aralık 1931
1932, Etimesgut Airport
29 Ekim 1933
1934, Ankara High School for Girls
Bir sandalda kürek çekerken, 1934
1937, Nazilli Cotton Factory
1937, inauguration of Pertek Halkevi
Afyon ziyareti esnasında Büyük Utku Anıtı'nı incelerken, 6 Kasım 1937
1937, with İnönü
Askerî tatbikatta
Sanayi sektöründeki gelişmeleri denetlerken
Yabancı bir gazeteciyle sohbet ederken
With Celâl Bayar
Foreign policies
1928, Amanullah Khan
1931, Faisal I of Iraq
1933, Voroshilov
1933, Alexander I of Yugoslavia
1934, Reza Shah
1936, Edward VIII
1937, Abdullah I of Jordan
Funeral, 1938
Empty bed at Dolmabahçe Palace, Istanbul
Funeral in Istanbul, 19 November 1938
Funeral in Istanbul, 19 November 1938
Funeral in Ankara, 21 November 1938
People crying upon leaving Dolmabahçe Palace, where Atatürk laid-in-state 16–19 November 1938
His mother's funeral
With Latife (Uşaklıgil) on Anatolian tour
Wedding picture with Latife
Manevi kızı Rukiye Erkin ile, 1926
The wedding of Rukiye, another of his adopted daughters
Atatürk ve manevi kızı Afet İnan Ege Vapuru ile Trabzon'a giderken, 1930
At the Ankara Railway Station with Ülkü, his adopted daughter
At the Forest Farm with Ülkü
Atatürk, Sabiha ve Ülkü
Atatürk ve Sabiha
His signature
His last signature
ID card from 1934
ID card from 1935
1919, Sivas
With suit
With kalpak and military uniform
With kalpak and military uniform
1920s, colorized photo
With peaked cap and military uniform
With top hat and white tie
1925, on the Reşit Paşa ship
Looking from a train window
Signed "Gazi M. Kemal, 1929"
With suit
With tuxedo
With military uniform
1937, Istanbul
Ankara, Turkey in 1927
Ankara, Turkey
Istanbul, Turkey
Gallipoli, Turkey
Alanya, Turkey
Marmaris, Turkey
Izmir, Turkey
Canberra, Australia
Bucharest, Romania
Centar Župa, North Macedonia
Mexico City, Mexico
Caracas, Venezuela
Washington, D.C., USA
Baku, Azerbaijan
Girne, Northern Cyprus
Mustafa Kemal and other patriots
With members of parliament
Anatolian tour
He reads a citizen's petition
Rose garden
With his adopted daughter Ülkü
[edit]- (The sound file of the message by President Cemal Gürsel on Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, 10 November 1963)
- (The sound file of the message by U.S. President John F. Kennedy on Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, 1963)