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Category:Queens consort of Sweden

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Queens consort of Sweden includes a large number of women who have been married to the kings. Most were born in other dynasties than those reigning in Sweden, which they then do not belong to, but to dynasties and families of their own, though they are Swedish royalty. All are sorted here by royal (first) name.

  • Hedwig Elizabeth Charlotte is sorted under Charlotte
  • Isabella is sorted under Elizabeth
  • Katarina and Karin are sorted under Catherine
  • Kristina is sorted under Christina
  • Martha is sorted under Margaret
<nowiki>İsveç Konsort Kraliçesi; reine consort de Suède; švédská královna choť; drottninggemål av Sverige; Rezina consorte de Svèsia; dronning av Sverige; kraljica soproga Švedske; reina consort de Suècia; Königin von Schweden; Brenhines Gydweddog Sweden; Rainha consorte da Suécia; Queen Consort of Sweden; edzino de la reĝo de Svedio; Βασιλική σύζυγος της Σουηδίας; Dronning af Sverige; naslov žene kralja Švedske; Frau des Königs von Schweden; Title held by the female consort of the Monarch of Sweden; tahtta bulunan kralın karısı; kongen av Sveriges hustru; Kongen af Sveriges ægtefælle; kraljica Švedske; Queen of Sweden; reĝino de Svedio; dronninggemalinne i Danmark; Dronninggemalinde af Sverige</nowiki>
Queen Consort of Sweden 
Title held by the female consort of the Monarch of Sweden
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  • Sweden
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This category has the following 42 subcategories, out of 42 total.





Pages in category "Queens consort of Sweden"

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Media in category "Queens consort of Sweden"

The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total.