Commons:Picture of the Year/2021/R1/v/Tübingen - Altstadt - Stiftskirche - Chorraum - Chorscheitelfenster unten.jpg

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Picture of the Year 2021
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Tübingen - Altstadt - Stiftskirche - Chorraum - Chorscheitelfenster unten.jpg

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  1. Another Believer
  2. Amakuha
  3. LemonOrangeLime
  4. Fabiorahamim
  5. Abductive
  6. Fundamentally mechanical
  7. BD2412
  8. C8bash
  9. Gower
  10. Mormegil
  11. Deadstar
  12. AwkwardChester
  13. نعيم قربوسي
  14. Boylarva99
  15. Julle
  16. Nurtenge
  17. Долинський
  19. Lindentop
  20. S8321414
  21. Kv626
  23. Nyamo Kurosawa
  24. Fivework
  25. Icedevis
  26. Grest7
  27. Laborec
  28. Zangala
  29. Schekinov Alexey Victorovich
  30. TripleU
  31. Hautala
  32. Diablo Cris
  33. Richardkiwi
  34. Bartek z Polski
  35. Alin2808
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  37. Deror avi
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  39. General Douglas
  40. Xtine66
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  44. Mustafa MVC
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  46. Sebastián Arena
  47. Wuselig
  48. Cyfraw
  49. Nella.hohlova
  50. Wikifan153
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  52. Dmitry SM
  53. Cincotta1
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  74. Arz
  75. Donald Trung
  76. Themedpark
  77. Neuroxic
  78. Joelaldor
  79. Padawane
  80. Mackteague
  81. Jianhui67
  82. Seven twentynine
  83. HMa
  84. Uncitoyen
  85. Vinícius94
  86. VulpesVulpes42
  87. Pedrenyal
  88. Fiver, der Hellseher
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  92. Cybularny
  93. P12062545
  94. Nigmont
  95. Rolf Kranz
  96. Maire
  97. Ajpvalente
  98. Pierre André Leclercq