Commons:Picture of the Year/2022/R1/v/Danmark O, Fohn Fjord, Renodde.70°N 26°W (76566707).jpg

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Picture of the Year 2022
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Danmark O, Fohn Fjord, Renodde.70°N 26°W (76566707).jpg

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  1. Poslovitch
  2. Saturnow
  3. Corn cheese
  4. MyCatIsAChonk
  5. Red-tailed hawk
  6. Asgawaji
  7. Rhododendrites
  8. SWinxy
  9. Bobamnertiopsis
  10. DarkCherry
  11. BD2412
  12. Halowand
  13. Deltahead
  14. Glennfcowan
  15. Haplochromis
  16. Abductive
  17. Nann Chhay
  18. Cambuston
  19. Sat Ra
  20. 名字长的让人受不了
  21. Shizhao
  22. Miniwark
  23. Tumkir
  24. Apisite
  25. Xminor
  26. Wolverène
  27. Ssprmannheim
  28. W.carter
  29. Jodok
  30. Radomianin
  31. Coldbolt
  32. Vnnen
  33. Festucalex
  34. Lvova
  35. Иван Дулин
  36. Tragopogon
  37. Leschnei
  38. Sarion
  39. Wil540 art
  40. Wlofab
  41. Petit Angevin
  42. أحمد ناجي
  43. V0lkanic
  44. Ivana Marie
  45. Fiver, der Hellseher
  46. Apokats
  47. MS2054
  48. Staeiou
  49. Hujber Tünde
  50. OhanaUnited
  51. MannMaus
  52. Petriĥoro
  53. Truthanado
  54. Cathy Richards
  55. Leejordan9
  56. Alvy
  57. Noxbis
  58. Lebronj23
  59. Victor Knox
  60. Czupirek
  61. Богдан Панчук
  62. Holauqetal
  63. Bestalex
  64. Paul1764
  65. LucasBrown
  66. Adem
  67. Narsilien
  68. BugWarp
  69. Rudy Fransiskus
  70. SelfCloak
  71. Salem Ander
  72. David Jackson
  73. Bkwillwm
  74. DaSupremo
  75. Cincotta1
  76. ChrisRuvolo
  77. Ercé
  78. Juloml
  79. Jakubhal
  80. IzErGiL
  81. Zapyon
  82. Draceane
  83. Sneeuwschaap
  84. Hughesdarren
  85. Kenrick95
  86. Nahuel9m
  87. Arjuno3
  88. ZI Jony
  89. Semmendinger
  90. Ата
  91. DrPZ
  92. Lyttle-Wight
  93. Rohieb
  94. GameO7er
  95. Fuchsiaflute
  96. Ngoclong19
  97. HVL
  98. Le Loy
  99. IronSprings
  100. Eien20
  101. Arcuscloud
  102. Daehan
  103. Eryn Blaireová
  104. Cb22hh
  105. Cian Akril
  106. Гардус
  107. HeinrichStuerzl
  108. Rachmat04
  109. Nsophiay
  110. Iifar
  111. Филин07
  112. Clumsy and stupid
  113. Julius Senegal
  114. L. Beck
  115. JukoFF
  116. Dmitry SM
  117. Matveims
  118. Last1in
  119. FreCha
  120. DSwissK
  121. Cyrille37
  122. Dorieo
  123. Ham II
  124. UnGiglio
  125. Strahtw
  126. Gtgith
  127. Granada
  128. ThomasYehYeh
  129. Kacperpawlak
  130. Jsamwrites
  131. AndiPersti
  132. Saschaporsche
  133. Archaeodontosaurus
  134. 613 The Evil
  135. Gozitano
  136. Mosbatho
  137. Xx78900
  138. Kiito M
  139. AryKun
  140. Thi
  141. Motivum
  142. Anual
  143. Cy21
  144. Romanm
  145. Hamuli
  146. HMa
  147. Kgbo
  148. Ajpvalente
  149. Giaccai
  150. Thomas³
  151. S8321414
  152. Robin Patterson
  153. Siggi Weide
  154. MarcelBuehner
  155. Jbom1
  156. Makary
  157. Glane23
  158. Hike395
  159. Sladdusaw
  160. Amorymeltzer
  161. Laurent Jerry
  162. Bruce1ee
  163. Zangala
  164. F. Riedelio
  165. Davileci
  166. Kawona67
  167. BeatrixBelibaste
  168. احمد شکری488
  169. Alexdonnoli
  170. Albert Magellan
  171. Jan.Kamenicek
  172. Sotos
  173. BSRF
  174. Meiræ
  175. Vinícius94
  176. Krzem Anonim
  177. IOIOI
  178. Vahidmasrour
  179. Ash Crow
  180. Anaxibia
  181. PetarM
  182. Spncrinc
  183. Konservator
  184. Игорь Филиппов
  185. Bpierreb
  186. Ehrlich91
  187. FASROD
  188. Knotimpressed
  189. Иван Олефиренко
  190. Persia
  191. Moritz 2011
  192. DokiDotto
  193. Jamesmcardle
  194. FreeToDisagree
  195. GrandpaDave
  196. Cbuske46
  197. Kyrios Sampson
  198. Fabiorahamim
  199. Lotje
  200. Ryan Hodnett
  201. Lawrence142002
  202. Vgo61
  203. Adhmi
  204. Lokal Profil
  205. Хаванцев Иван
  206. Xemenendura
  207. Boylarva99
  208. Tulkas Astaldo
  209. Khasan azim1
  210. Derkoenig
  211. Plasmaniac
  212. Liridon
  213. Chairego apc
  214. רון18
  215. Loizbec
  216. Dat doris
  217. Em-mustapha
  218. Scalorbio
  219. Piotr Bart
  220. Mpn
  221. Bboppy
  222. Kachelus
  223. Traumrune
  224. Redalert2fan
  225. KimKelting
  226. CraSH
  227. Dispe
  228. Kozak nevada
  229. Miyuki Meinaka
  230. RodRabelo7
  231. Mimarx
  232. Tagooty
  233. Gresasc
  234. Miha Peče
  235. Hkandy
  236. Jianhui67
  237. Rodrigum
  238. Hadi
  239. Duży Bartek
  240. Frantishak
  241. ThelmOSO
  242. Offeliaa
  243. Buli
  244. Guy Delsaut
  245. A.L. Garner
  246. Daniel Case
  247. RTao
  248. Niesy74
  249. Gordito1869
  250. YarikUkraine
  251. Nenea hartia
  252. Mlf44
  253. Kenraiz
  254. Kacir
  255. Monna Ry
  256. Hatovix
  257. Cyfraw
  258. Lord Ya
  259. Mytrowych
  260. Tomer T
  261. PrinceofPunjab
  262. Djiboun
  263. Horcrux
  264. Diablo Cris
  265. Eivind
  266. Mushushu
  267. Simeon
  268. Tom a
  269. Edu!
  270. Markmark28
  271. MichaelSchoenitzer
  272. StringRay
  273. أيوب
  274. Thisaccountis42
  275. Kiril Simeonovski
  276. Eltargrim
  277. Shi Annan
  278. Dokuo350
  279. Camelia.boban
  280. Gamergirlyt9
  281. Nioger
  282. Spielvogel
  283. V-astro
  284. Quedel
  285. Juanantonaya
  286. Dalka
  287. Anidae
  288. Mrtony77
  289. Captain Galaxy
  290. Sîmbotin
  291. Fraxinus.ornus
  292. Beitrag50330
  293. Sipalius
  294. Fivework
  295. EwkaC
  296. Woodlot
  297. Hessian
  298. Paradise Chronicle
  299. Federigo Federighi
  300. Luizpuodzius
  301. Joanbanjo
  302. Gorkaazk
  303. Nemea
  304. Gsquaredxc
  305. VulpesVulpes42
  306. MikyM
  307. Rzuwig
  308. Chickensecond
  309. ObaTango
  310. Stephane8888
  312. BelPatty86
  313. Ponpan
  314. Skimel
  315. Grest7
  316. DopplerRadioShow
  317. Teukros
  318. Kacamata
  319. Birdofadozentides
  320. Louis hi
  321. Athko
  322. GonGorf
  323. VJSC263IO
  324. Warp3
  325. Drhankh
  326. Theo
  327. Agnes Monkelbaan
  328. Zoeperkoe
  329. Loriot
  330. Donald Trung
  331. MZaplotnik
  332. Shayi ngolu
  333. Happy5214
  334. OtuNwachinemere
  335. Marcxosm
  336. Dirtsc
  337. Momantra
  338. Wiser CJay
  339. Paul2520
  340. No.cilepogača
  341. WikiLuke
  342. Kay2370
  343. Gzzz
  344. WikiWriter7519
  345. Grullab
  346. Tetraktys
  347. Camervan
  348. 9yz
  349. Luca.favorido
  350. Yeuzio
  351. Athulf
  352. George Chernilevsky
  353. Brackenheim
  354. ئاراس نوری
  355. Farshid.tofigh
  356. Megalogastor
  357. نیکات
  358. Patrik Kunec
  359. Nythar
  360. Kieronoldham
  361. Kevstan
  362. Bnichols23
  363. Ldorfman
  364. Лапоть
  365. Discott
  366. Robina Fox
  367. TravelTheWorld35
  368. Anthere
  369. BigrTex
  370. CMB70
  371. Levi bernardo
  372. Pyrlandczyk
  373. DentArt
  374. Timawesomeness
  375. Zafer
  376. Rohalamin
  377. KommX
  378. Tintenklecks
  379. Nina Flor
  380. Vincent Simar
  381. Limulus
  382. בוב שלג
  383. Litlok
  384. Alena Pokorná
  385. Dr.Bookman
  386. Alpenhexe
  387. SAKRI
  389. Onsku9
  390. Qwertyu2244
  391. Zhing'za zï Ïnin
  392. Celeda
  393. WhatamIdoing
  394. PtrQs
  395. Clindberg
  396. Thomas261989
  397. StellarHalo
  398. Augustgeyler
  399. JKRS's
  400. Iancaddy
  401. وهراني
  402. Nurtenge
  403. Yishayl
  404. Mormegil
  405. 좀비 브렌다
  406. Ciseleur
  407. Qeqo
  408. Eve Teschlemacher
  409. Dungodung
  410. Kadı
  411. Wolit
  412. Dhtwiki
  413. 1234qwer1234qwer4
  414. Solon26125
  415. Nigmont