User talk:Mcleodcmm

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Welcome to Wikimedia Commons, Mcleodcmm!

-- Wikimedia Commons Welcome (talk) 19:33, 18 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Wiki Loves Monuments 2016 in the United States - Thank You!


Hi there! Thank you for contributing to Wiki Loves Monuments 2016 in the United States. We're excited to see people uploading thousands of photos from all over the country! You and others have collectively uploaded 4,929 photos so far, all of which are viewable at Category:Wiki Loves Monuments 2016 in the United States (sorted by state).

We encourage you to continue contributing through the rest of the month. Uploading your photos of monuments isn't the only way to contribute, however. If you're interested, we have compiled a list of auxiliary ways to contribute - which include improving Wikipedia's coverage of historic and cultural sites, as well as finding existing free photos that can be shared on the Commons. While these contributions don't count towards the contest, we are still keeping track of them and they are great ways to contribute to the spirit of the project.

If you are interesting in contributing to Wikipedia, WikiProject National Register of Historic Places is also great place to start. The WikiProject showcases the work that has been done so far in covering NRHP sites, and can also help you find articles that need improving.

If you're on Twitter, give us a follow @WLMUnitedStates for updates, news, and more.

If you have any questions between now or the end of the month, feel free to leave a message on my talk page. Thank you! ~Kevin Payravi (talk) 09:28, 21 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Wiki Loves Monuments 2016 in the United States – Results!

This user participated in Wiki Loves Monuments 2016.

Want to show your participation in Wiki Loves Monuments 2016? Add {{User Wiki Loves Monuments 2016}} to your userpage!

Thank you for contributing to Wiki Loves Monuments 2016 in the United States during the month of October! The United States contest saw over 1,700 people contribute over 11,000 great photos of cultural and historic sites from all over the United States and its territories. In addition to National Register of Historic Places sites, we welcomed uploads of sites designated by state- and local-level historical institutions and societies. Hundreds of these photos are already being used to illustrate Wikipedia articles!

We're excited to announce that our national judging process has concluded, and that we have selected the winners of Wiki Loves Monuments 2016 in the United States! We were amazed by all of the uploads, and regret having to narrow it down to just 10. That being said – congratulations to our national winners and their amazing shots! Our 10 winners will be sent to the international Wiki Loves Monuments jury, who will then select the winners of the international contest. If you're interested in seeing the winners of the other various national contests as they are announced, you may do so at Wiki Loves Monuments 2016 winners.

Finally, we have also created a feedback form for all participants in the United States to fill out. The survey is optional and anonymous, and only takes a minute or two – we hope to use the feedback to organize better events in the future!

Once again, thank you for participating in Wiki Loves Monuments 2016, and we hope to see you again for future Commons photography events! ~Kevin Payravi (talk) 06:30, 2 November 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Wiki Loves Monuments in the United States – Back for 2017!

This user participated in Wiki Loves Monuments 2016.

Want to show your participation in Wiki Loves Monuments 2017? Add {{User Wiki Loves Monuments 2017}} to your userpage!

Hi there! My name is Kevin, one of the organizers of Wiki Loves Monuments in the United States. Last year, you contributed to our 2016 event. It was a great success thanks to you and many others, with over 1,700 people contributing over 11,000 great photos of cultural and historic sites from all over the United States. Over 1,000 of these photos now help illustrate Wikipedia articles, making our open knowledge about United States history and heritage all the better.

I'm pleased to say that we're back this year with Wiki Loves Monuments 2017 in the United States, and I'd like to welcome you to participate once again in the event. Check out our updated event page for more information, including updated tips, lists, and prizes. Like last year, you'll be able to upload your new photos of any registered historical site in the United States through the end of September (even if the photos were taken before this month).

Once again, thank you for participating in Wiki Loves Monuments 2016, and we hope to see you in this year's event! If you'd like to respond to this message directly, please do so on my talk page. ~Kevin Payravi (talk) 08:05, 1 September 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Wiki Loves Monuments ti aspetta, con centinaia di nuovi comuni fotografabili

Concorso Wiki Loves Monuments Italia 2018 (English version)

Gentile Mcleodcmm, ti ringraziamo ancora una volta per la tua passata partecipazione a Wiki Loves Monuments (WLM). Il più grande concorso fotografico del mondo si svolge anche questo settembre per documentare e promuovere il patrimonio culturale italiano, con una licenza copyright libera.

Quest'anno è doppiamente facile partecipare: gli oggetti fotografabili coprono quasi 1000 comuni in più, grazie all'adesione di centinaia di nuovi enti fra cui Roma, e alla possibilità di fotografare circa 2000 alberi monumentali. Controlla le liste di monumenti fotografabili! Carica tutte le foto che hai e magari organizza una visita presso i monumenti che ancora non hanno una foto.

Quest'oggi il Parlamento europeo ha respinto la proposta di estendere la libertà di panorama. E allora scattiamo e pubblichiamo tutte le foto che possiamo, almeno per questi monumenti per cui ci è legalmente consentito!

Grazie, Nemo 16:08, 12 September 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Un grazie per WLM e un libro sulla conoscenza libera per te

Wikimedia Italia
Wikimedia Italia

Gentile Mcleodcmm,

oggi ti scrivo a nome dell'associazione Wikimedia Italia per ringraziarti di aver partecipato a Wiki Loves Monuments Italia. Il tuo contributo è particolarmente apprezzato perché una tua foto è usata in una voce di Wikipedia o altro progetto Wikimedia.

Come piccolo omaggio avremmo piacere di spedirti una copia (tutta in carta riciclata) del libro di Carlo Piana, Open source, software libero e altre libertà. Fornisci un recapito per ricevere una copia del libro.

Il libro comprende anche un capitolo sul tuo lavoro! Si parla infatti di libertà di panorama, cioè la libertà di fare e diffondere foto come le tue, ma tutto l'anno e su tutti i monumenti d'Italia. Finché resta la legge attuale, per aumentare le foto caricabili puoi chiedere a un ente vicino a te di aderire a Wiki Loves Monuments. Speriamo che questo libro ti sia utile per apprezzare quanto hai fatto e per trasmettere la passione della conoscenza libera a una persona a te vicina.

Se desideri una copia ma non puoi fornirci un indirizzo a cui spedirla, contatta la segreteria Wikimedia Italia e troviamo una soluzione insieme.

Grazie ancora e a presto,

Lorenzo Losa (msg) 10:33, 25 February 2020 (UTC)[reply]