Commons:Кандидати за изабране слике

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Ово су кандидати за изабране слике. Уочите да ово није исто што и слика дана.

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Постоји такође хронолошки списак изабраних слика.





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Политика за кандидате за изабране слике

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  • Слике могу да се уклоне са списка уколико немају подршке (не рачунајући номинаторов глас) после седмог дана.

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За упутства о томе како се процесују старе номинације, погледајте Template talk:Featured pictures candidates#What to do after voting is finished.

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Кандидати за изабране слике


Voting period ends on 20 Jul 2024 at 15:56:23 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

Road to Padum nestled beneath the Zanskar Range

Voting period ends on 20 Jul 2024 at 09:23:25 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 19 Jul 2024 at 05:34:46
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Voting period ends on 19 Jul 2024 at 16:04:14 (UTC)
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Larus michahellis atlantis calling at Playa del Confital, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain

Voting period ends on 19 Jul 2024 at 05:34:46

To replace: Restored version
  •  Info The rather tinted paper was definitely pulling this image down, as well as some bleedthrough and a fold line (with some mirroring across the fold line). Also, it wasn't actually the largest version available at the source, but I think that's an uncontroversial sort of change, even for an FP, so I just updated it. New version will need my name added as restorer on the page, but that's not a big deal, I don't think. (Original nomination)
  •  Delist and replace -- Adam Cuerden (talk) 05:34, 10 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Keep As Hubertl said, try to keep it "original". Here is completely other image, for me oversaturated. Size should be same, now is behalved. --Mile (talk) 17:07, 10 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Keep Per Mile. --Sebring12Hrs (talk) 06:28, 11 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 18 Jul 2024 at 17:43:00 (UTC)
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Photo art based on a photo of a tree trunk in the Hohe Mark Nature Park in the district of Holtwick, Haltern am See, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
 Info In short: photographic art as described. In long: Explaining photographic art is certainly not easy, but I can say something about how it came about. The motif was a tree trunk with a varied structure - with different shades of green and brown. This tree trunk was photographed using the "Intentional camera movement" technique, so that the corresponding movement effect was created. The direction of movement of the camera was parallel to the tree trunk. The exposure time was chosen so that the structure of the trunk was still preserved. (It was only an exposure time of 0.6 seconds, so not too little and not too much). In post-processing, the image was edited so that the contrasts were emphasized and at the same time the colors were made a little more saturated. The resulting image was the basis for the image shown here. In the final step, the image was duplicated (in 2 layers) and one layer was mirrored in order to achieve the symmetry effect. Both layers were then blended together so that the dark tones were dominant. --XRay 💬 04:57, 10 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for your explanation;  Support. Wolverine XI 20:38, 10 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  • I find your statement remarkable and honest. It is understandable. I have had these difficulties myself and still have them today. For me, it is a further development of photographic creativity. I first had to make friends with ICM, but I already enjoy the pictures that are created with it. I also have a preference for symmetries. I can only recommend trying out lots of things and being creative with photography. --XRay 💬 20:06, 10 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 18 Jul 2024 at 14:44:38 (UTC)
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Maghreb Wheatear (Oenanthe halophila)

Voting period ends on 18 Jul 2024 at 08:54:23 (UTC)
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Patos Muscovy

Voting period ends on 18 Jul 2024 at 08:43:07 (UTC)
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Vulcão dos Capelinhos

Voting period ends on 18 Jul 2024 at 08:36:42 (UTC)
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South African giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis giraffa) head with oxpecker

Voting period ends on 18 Jul 2024 at 07:56:58 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 18 Jul 2024 at 07:56:45 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 18 Jul 2024 at 06:20:33 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 17 Jul 2024 at 21:18:52 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 17 Jul 2024 at 13:52:38 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 17 Jul 2024 at 04:22:23 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 17 Jul 2024 at 03:55:33 (UTC)
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Close wing position of Amathuxidia amythaon (Doubleday, 1847) - Koh-i-Noor puddling on rotten fruit
 Comment I can't find any significant image noise. However, the object the butterfly is resting on appears to be out of focus. --Zzzs (talk) 10:46, 8 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 16 Jul 2024 at 21:52:40 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 16 Jul 2024 at 21:31:09 (UTC)
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The spiracle of a butterfly pupa in a scanning electron microscope

Voting period ends on 16 Jul 2024 at 21:12:55 (UTC)
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Jaguar (Panthera onca palustris) female Piquiri River, Brazil

 Oppose Over processed, noisy image. Sorry--Shagil Kannur (talk) 07:55, 8 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

+ those green grasses are distracting --Shagil Kannur (talk) 07:59, 8 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 16 Jul 2024 at 14:09:20 (UTC)
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Caspersen Beach

Voting period ends on 16 Jul 2024 at 02:07:10 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 15 Jul 2024 at 21:09:07 (UTC)
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Variable neon slug (Nembrotha kubaryana), Anilao, Philippines

Voting period ends on 15 Jul 2024 at 18:43:42 (UTC)
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Steppe eagle in Karakiya-karakol sanctuary. Karakiya District, Mangystau Region, Kazakhstan.

Voting period ends on 15 Jul 2024 at 17:08:20 (UTC)
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Titan beetle, male

Voting period ends on 15 Jul 2024 at 16:58:41 (UTC)
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Mr. R. B. Whitley visiting in his general store, Wendell. Wake County, North Carolina, September 1939
  • Gallery: Commons:Featured pictures/Historical/People#1930-1939
  •  Info created by Marion Post Wolcott, restored, uploaded, and nominated by Yann
  •  Info Mr. R. B. Whitley visiting in his general store, Wendell, Wake County, North Carolina, September 1939. Picture from the US Farm Security Administration. Photographer's comment: He was one of the first citizens of the town and is one of its leading citizens, owner of the general store, president of the bank, and owns a cotton mill nearby, and a farm. He is a big land owner, owns Whitley-Davis farm and a cotton mill in Clayton. He said he cut down the trees and pulled the stumps out of the main street, and was the first man in that town of Wendell.
  •  Support -- Yann (talk) 16:58, 6 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 15 Jul 2024 at 12:51:06 (UTC)
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Prepared historic stonework of a counter bearing at Zweenfurther Straße in Leipzig

Voting period ends on 15 Jul 2024 at 10:33:12 (UTC)
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Kazinczy Ferenc utca in Győr, Győr–Moson–Sopron County, Hungary

Voting period ends on 15 Jul 2024 at 10:30:49 (UTC)
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View of Col de Cou at the border of Haute-Savoie (France) and Valais (Switzerland)
Confirmed results:
Result: 12 support, 0 oppose, 0 neutral → featured. /-- Radomianin (talk) 13:48, 11 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
This image will be added to the FP gallery: Places/Natural/France#Haute-Savoie

Voting period ends on 15 Jul 2024 at 08:50:26 (UTC)
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White hibiscus flower in the rain, Coorg, Karnataka, India
Confirmed results:
Result: 13 support, 0 oppose, 0 neutral → featured. /-- Radomianin (talk) 13:40, 11 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
This image will be added to the FP gallery: Plants#Family : Malvaceae

Voting period ends on 15 Jul 2024 at 08:38:57 (UTC)
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Red coral tree flowers against the mist-shrouded Mallalli Falls, Hassan district, Karnataka, India
Confirmed results:
Result: 19 support, 0 oppose, 0 neutral → featured. /-- Radomianin (talk) 13:37, 11 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
This image will be added to the FP gallery: Places/Natural#India

Voting period ends on 15 Jul 2024 at 08:26:48 (UTC)
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Chaniotis beach, Kassandra
Confirmed results:
Result: 19 support, 0 oppose, 0 neutral → featured. /-- Radomianin (talk) 13:35, 11 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
This image will be added to the FP gallery: Places/Natural#Greece

Voting period ends on 15 Jul 2024 at 06:54:34 (UTC)
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Cemetery church St. Burkardus (Königsberg in Bayern)

Voting period ends on 14 Jul 2024 at 18:25:20 (UTC)
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Workers attaching a chain to the Main bridge in Ebing, Germany

Voting period ends on 14 Jul 2024 at 18:11:15 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 14 Jul 2024 at 16:03:30 (UTC)
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  • In FP, we are not looking for best of a species; that is VI. Although, it is useful to mention "no FPs". Lower techncail standards can be OK for rare/hard-to-get/once-only-opportunity shots. Charlesjsharp (talk) 09:10, 6 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 14 Jul 2024 at 14:33:04 (UTC)
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Witch-beeches on Himmeldunkberg in the Rhön Mountains

Voting period ends on 14 Jul 2024 at 03:11:49 (UTC)
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Illuminated Woljeonggyo Bridge at blue hour in Gyeongju South Korea
  • It is a 10-second shot. Sunset was on the right side. No filter used. The camera was on a tripod, and another picture was taken with shorter shutter speed (2.5 seconds) to recover the highlights in post-process. Thanks! -- Basile Morin (talk) 22:22, 5 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 12 Jul 2024 at 18:55:17 (UTC)
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Natural monument lime tree near Waigolshausen

Voting period ends on 12 Jul 2024 at 13:48:56 (UTC)
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the light show on Xi'an city wall during the Spring Festival in 2024
  • Gallery: Commons:Featured pictures/People#Events
  •  Info created by Ghrkya - uploaded by Ghrkya - nominated by Ghrkya -- Ghrkya (talk) 13:48, 3 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Support This picture was taken during the Spring Festival(or known as the Lunar New Year),and shows the yearly light show on the Xi'an city wall,which is the only well-protected city wall in China.I chose the main door of the city wall-Yong-Ning Men to record that(the whole city wall is too long to be taken).I believe this picutre can perfectly show the situation when Chinese people celebrate the Spring Festival. -- Ghrkya (talk) 13:48, 3 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Comment The people in the front are disturbing. You may have a chance if you crop a chunk at the bottom Poco a poco (talk) 10:52, 6 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Thank you for your reply,I do had thought about this cropping.But I want to show how enthusiastic the Chinese people are when celebrating the Spring Festival.I can understand you that this people may looks a bit messy,but in a other way,the crowded people can perfectly shows the situation. --This is ghrkya who don't want to change this signature 14:29, 6 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Oh,I'm sorry that I forgot to ping you.@Poco a poco: --This is ghrkya who don't want to change this signature 14:30, 6 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  • Ok, understood. Of course, I respect your choice and intention but the result is not FP to me, sorry. Poco a poco (talk) 16:34, 6 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    @Poco a poco: Thank you for your understanding.I totally understand different people have different views to one picture.I think I'll still stick to my opinion,but still thank you very much for your valuable advice! --This is ghrkya who don't want to change this signature 17:26, 6 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    emmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,also,my sentence may looks a little bit strange,that's because English is not my mother language,and I'm still learning it,please forgiven me! --This is ghrkya who don't want to change this signature 17:28, 6 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Support El Golli Mohamed 18:58, 7 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Support I understand the objection about the foreground people, but when we consider this as a photo of the Spring Festival (not just of the building), the people are an essential part of the image. IMHO it’s OK that the people are out of focus, as the photo does not intend to show the individual persons, but the event with a mass of people coming and going. – Aristeas (talk) 17:51, 8 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 12 Jul 2024 at 11:33:50 (UTC)
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CGI of a historical classroom
(As a funny story) My school also had "present maps" with the Sowjet Union and so on :D --PantheraLeo1359531 😺 (talk) 18:48, 3 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I read it as a room from the 1950s or 1960s - but yes, the information what time it is supposed to be representing would be helpful. Kritzolina (talk) 06:42, 4 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 11 Jul 2024 at 20:31:46 (UTC)
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Reticulate boxfish (Ostracion solorensis), Anilao, Philippines

Voting period ends on 11 Jul 2024 at 18:43:07 (UTC)
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River rapid at the left Talgar in Almaty nature reserve. Almaty Region, Kazakhstan.

Voting period is over. Please don't add any new votes.Voting period ends on 11 Jul 2024 at 11:39:39 (UTC)
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6-day-old black Oriental Shorthair kitten
Confirmed results:
Result: 7 support, 0 oppose, 0 neutral → featured. /-- Radomianin (talk) 13:33, 11 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
This image will be added to the FP gallery: Animals/Mammals/Carnivora#Family : Felidae (Felids)

Voting period is over. Please don't add any new votes.Voting period ends on 11 Jul 2024 at 08:33:46 (UTC)
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Confirmed results:
Result: 2 support, 0 oppose, 0 neutral → not featured. /-- Radomianin (talk) 13:31, 11 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Кандидати за брисање


Voting period ends on 20 Jul 2024 at 15:56:23 (UTC)
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Road to Padum nestled beneath the Zanskar Range

Voting period ends on 20 Jul 2024 at 09:23:25 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 19 Jul 2024 at 05:34:46
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Voting period ends on 19 Jul 2024 at 16:04:14 (UTC)
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Larus michahellis atlantis calling at Playa del Confital, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain

Voting period ends on 19 Jul 2024 at 05:34:46

To replace: Restored version
  •  Info The rather tinted paper was definitely pulling this image down, as well as some bleedthrough and a fold line (with some mirroring across the fold line). Also, it wasn't actually the largest version available at the source, but I think that's an uncontroversial sort of change, even for an FP, so I just updated it. New version will need my name added as restorer on the page, but that's not a big deal, I don't think. (Original nomination)
  •  Delist and replace -- Adam Cuerden (talk) 05:34, 10 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Keep As Hubertl said, try to keep it "original". Here is completely other image, for me oversaturated. Size should be same, now is behalved. --Mile (talk) 17:07, 10 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Keep Per Mile. --Sebring12Hrs (talk) 06:28, 11 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 18 Jul 2024 at 17:43:00 (UTC)
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Photo art based on a photo of a tree trunk in the Hohe Mark Nature Park in the district of Holtwick, Haltern am See, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
 Info In short: photographic art as described. In long: Explaining photographic art is certainly not easy, but I can say something about how it came about. The motif was a tree trunk with a varied structure - with different shades of green and brown. This tree trunk was photographed using the "Intentional camera movement" technique, so that the corresponding movement effect was created. The direction of movement of the camera was parallel to the tree trunk. The exposure time was chosen so that the structure of the trunk was still preserved. (It was only an exposure time of 0.6 seconds, so not too little and not too much). In post-processing, the image was edited so that the contrasts were emphasized and at the same time the colors were made a little more saturated. The resulting image was the basis for the image shown here. In the final step, the image was duplicated (in 2 layers) and one layer was mirrored in order to achieve the symmetry effect. Both layers were then blended together so that the dark tones were dominant. --XRay 💬 04:57, 10 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for your explanation;  Support. Wolverine XI 20:38, 10 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  • I find your statement remarkable and honest. It is understandable. I have had these difficulties myself and still have them today. For me, it is a further development of photographic creativity. I first had to make friends with ICM, but I already enjoy the pictures that are created with it. I also have a preference for symmetries. I can only recommend trying out lots of things and being creative with photography. --XRay 💬 20:06, 10 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 18 Jul 2024 at 14:44:38 (UTC)
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Maghreb Wheatear (Oenanthe halophila)

Voting period ends on 18 Jul 2024 at 08:54:23 (UTC)
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Patos Muscovy

Voting period ends on 18 Jul 2024 at 08:43:07 (UTC)
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Vulcão dos Capelinhos

Voting period ends on 18 Jul 2024 at 08:36:42 (UTC)
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South African giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis giraffa) head with oxpecker

Voting period ends on 18 Jul 2024 at 07:56:58 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 18 Jul 2024 at 07:56:45 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 18 Jul 2024 at 06:20:33 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 17 Jul 2024 at 21:18:52 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 17 Jul 2024 at 13:52:38 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 17 Jul 2024 at 04:22:23 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 17 Jul 2024 at 03:55:33 (UTC)
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Close wing position of Amathuxidia amythaon (Doubleday, 1847) - Koh-i-Noor puddling on rotten fruit
 Comment I can't find any significant image noise. However, the object the butterfly is resting on appears to be out of focus. --Zzzs (talk) 10:46, 8 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 16 Jul 2024 at 21:52:40 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 16 Jul 2024 at 21:31:09 (UTC)
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The spiracle of a butterfly pupa in a scanning electron microscope

Voting period ends on 16 Jul 2024 at 21:12:55 (UTC)
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Jaguar (Panthera onca palustris) female Piquiri River, Brazil

 Oppose Over processed, noisy image. Sorry--Shagil Kannur (talk) 07:55, 8 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

+ those green grasses are distracting --Shagil Kannur (talk) 07:59, 8 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 16 Jul 2024 at 14:09:20 (UTC)
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Caspersen Beach

Voting period ends on 16 Jul 2024 at 02:07:10 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 15 Jul 2024 at 21:09:07 (UTC)
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Variable neon slug (Nembrotha kubaryana), Anilao, Philippines

Voting period ends on 15 Jul 2024 at 18:43:42 (UTC)
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Steppe eagle in Karakiya-karakol sanctuary. Karakiya District, Mangystau Region, Kazakhstan.

Voting period ends on 15 Jul 2024 at 17:08:20 (UTC)
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Titan beetle, male

Voting period ends on 15 Jul 2024 at 16:58:41 (UTC)
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Mr. R. B. Whitley visiting in his general store, Wendell. Wake County, North Carolina, September 1939
  • Gallery: Commons:Featured pictures/Historical/People#1930-1939
  •  Info created by Marion Post Wolcott, restored, uploaded, and nominated by Yann
  •  Info Mr. R. B. Whitley visiting in his general store, Wendell, Wake County, North Carolina, September 1939. Picture from the US Farm Security Administration. Photographer's comment: He was one of the first citizens of the town and is one of its leading citizens, owner of the general store, president of the bank, and owns a cotton mill nearby, and a farm. He is a big land owner, owns Whitley-Davis farm and a cotton mill in Clayton. He said he cut down the trees and pulled the stumps out of the main street, and was the first man in that town of Wendell.
  •  Support -- Yann (talk) 16:58, 6 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 15 Jul 2024 at 12:51:06 (UTC)
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Prepared historic stonework of a counter bearing at Zweenfurther Straße in Leipzig

Voting period ends on 15 Jul 2024 at 10:33:12 (UTC)
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Kazinczy Ferenc utca in Győr, Győr–Moson–Sopron County, Hungary

Voting period ends on 15 Jul 2024 at 10:30:49 (UTC)
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View of Col de Cou at the border of Haute-Savoie (France) and Valais (Switzerland)
Confirmed results:
Result: 12 support, 0 oppose, 0 neutral → featured. /-- Radomianin (talk) 13:48, 11 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
This image will be added to the FP gallery: Places/Natural/France#Haute-Savoie

Voting period ends on 15 Jul 2024 at 08:50:26 (UTC)
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White hibiscus flower in the rain, Coorg, Karnataka, India
Confirmed results:
Result: 13 support, 0 oppose, 0 neutral → featured. /-- Radomianin (talk) 13:40, 11 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
This image will be added to the FP gallery: Plants#Family : Malvaceae

Voting period ends on 15 Jul 2024 at 08:38:57 (UTC)
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Red coral tree flowers against the mist-shrouded Mallalli Falls, Hassan district, Karnataka, India
Confirmed results:
Result: 19 support, 0 oppose, 0 neutral → featured. /-- Radomianin (talk) 13:37, 11 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
This image will be added to the FP gallery: Places/Natural#India

Voting period ends on 15 Jul 2024 at 08:26:48 (UTC)
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Chaniotis beach, Kassandra
Confirmed results:
Result: 19 support, 0 oppose, 0 neutral → featured. /-- Radomianin (talk) 13:35, 11 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
This image will be added to the FP gallery: Places/Natural#Greece

Voting period ends on 15 Jul 2024 at 06:54:34 (UTC)
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Cemetery church St. Burkardus (Königsberg in Bayern)

Voting period ends on 14 Jul 2024 at 18:25:20 (UTC)
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Workers attaching a chain to the Main bridge in Ebing, Germany

Voting period ends on 14 Jul 2024 at 18:11:15 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 14 Jul 2024 at 16:03:30 (UTC)
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  • In FP, we are not looking for best of a species; that is VI. Although, it is useful to mention "no FPs". Lower techncail standards can be OK for rare/hard-to-get/once-only-opportunity shots. Charlesjsharp (talk) 09:10, 6 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 14 Jul 2024 at 14:33:04 (UTC)
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Witch-beeches on Himmeldunkberg in the Rhön Mountains

Voting period ends on 14 Jul 2024 at 03:11:49 (UTC)
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Illuminated Woljeonggyo Bridge at blue hour in Gyeongju South Korea
  • It is a 10-second shot. Sunset was on the right side. No filter used. The camera was on a tripod, and another picture was taken with shorter shutter speed (2.5 seconds) to recover the highlights in post-process. Thanks! -- Basile Morin (talk) 22:22, 5 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 12 Jul 2024 at 18:55:17 (UTC)
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Natural monument lime tree near Waigolshausen

Voting period ends on 12 Jul 2024 at 13:48:56 (UTC)
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the light show on Xi'an city wall during the Spring Festival in 2024
  • Gallery: Commons:Featured pictures/People#Events
  •  Info created by Ghrkya - uploaded by Ghrkya - nominated by Ghrkya -- Ghrkya (talk) 13:48, 3 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Support This picture was taken during the Spring Festival(or known as the Lunar New Year),and shows the yearly light show on the Xi'an city wall,which is the only well-protected city wall in China.I chose the main door of the city wall-Yong-Ning Men to record that(the whole city wall is too long to be taken).I believe this picutre can perfectly show the situation when Chinese people celebrate the Spring Festival. -- Ghrkya (talk) 13:48, 3 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Comment The people in the front are disturbing. You may have a chance if you crop a chunk at the bottom Poco a poco (talk) 10:52, 6 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Thank you for your reply,I do had thought about this cropping.But I want to show how enthusiastic the Chinese people are when celebrating the Spring Festival.I can understand you that this people may looks a bit messy,but in a other way,the crowded people can perfectly shows the situation. --This is ghrkya who don't want to change this signature 14:29, 6 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Oh,I'm sorry that I forgot to ping you.@Poco a poco: --This is ghrkya who don't want to change this signature 14:30, 6 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  • Ok, understood. Of course, I respect your choice and intention but the result is not FP to me, sorry. Poco a poco (talk) 16:34, 6 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    @Poco a poco: Thank you for your understanding.I totally understand different people have different views to one picture.I think I'll still stick to my opinion,but still thank you very much for your valuable advice! --This is ghrkya who don't want to change this signature 17:26, 6 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    emmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,also,my sentence may looks a little bit strange,that's because English is not my mother language,and I'm still learning it,please forgiven me! --This is ghrkya who don't want to change this signature 17:28, 6 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Support El Golli Mohamed 18:58, 7 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Support I understand the objection about the foreground people, but when we consider this as a photo of the Spring Festival (not just of the building), the people are an essential part of the image. IMHO it’s OK that the people are out of focus, as the photo does not intend to show the individual persons, but the event with a mass of people coming and going. – Aristeas (talk) 17:51, 8 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 12 Jul 2024 at 11:33:50 (UTC)
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CGI of a historical classroom
(As a funny story) My school also had "present maps" with the Sowjet Union and so on :D --PantheraLeo1359531 😺 (talk) 18:48, 3 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I read it as a room from the 1950s or 1960s - but yes, the information what time it is supposed to be representing would be helpful. Kritzolina (talk) 06:42, 4 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 11 Jul 2024 at 20:31:46 (UTC)
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Reticulate boxfish (Ostracion solorensis), Anilao, Philippines

Voting period ends on 11 Jul 2024 at 18:43:07 (UTC)
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River rapid at the left Talgar in Almaty nature reserve. Almaty Region, Kazakhstan.

Voting period is over. Please don't add any new votes.Voting period ends on 11 Jul 2024 at 11:39:39 (UTC)
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6-day-old black Oriental Shorthair kitten
Confirmed results:
Result: 7 support, 0 oppose, 0 neutral → featured. /-- Radomianin (talk) 13:33, 11 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
This image will be added to the FP gallery: Animals/Mammals/Carnivora#Family : Felidae (Felids)

Voting period is over. Please don't add any new votes.Voting period ends on 11 Jul 2024 at 08:33:46 (UTC)
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Confirmed results:
Result: 2 support, 0 oppose, 0 neutral → not featured. /-- Radomianin (talk) 13:31, 11 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]