East Timor
Timór Lorosa'e Timor-Leste
Timór Lorosa'e - Repúblika Demokrátika Timor Lorosa'e
Repúblika Demokrátika Timor Lorosa'e ne'e hanesan nasaun ida nebe moris ikus liu iha mundo rai klaran, tur iha fatin sorin Timur iha Rain Timór, iha sorin ida hetan rai Timór nian rohan hanesan Oe-Kusi, iha fali lolon sorin nian kotuk mak Ataúru, nune'e mos iha rain ki'ik oan balu nebe tur iha lolon sorin Timur nian nebaa. Rai Timór iha fronteira ho rai seluk mesak ida deit, mak rai Indonézia nian sorin nebee tutan malu ho iha sorin loro-monu nebe fahe malu ho sorin loro-sa'e, iha mos rai sorin nebe tutan malu ho Oe-Kusi. Maibe iha mos fonteira iha tasi nebe ketak malu ho Austrália, Tasi Timór iha kanosan sorin. Dili mak sidade boot liuhotu no kota inan ba Timór.
Timor-Leste - República Democrática de Timor-Leste
A República Democrática de Timor-Leste é um dos países mais jovens do planeta Terra que ocupa a parte oriental da ilha de Timor, no extremo sudeste da Ásia, a ilha de Ataúro, a norte, e o ilhéu de Jaco, ao largo da ponta leste da ilha, para além do enclave de Oecusse, na costa norte da banda ocidental da ilha de Timor. As únicas fronteiras terrestres do país são com a Indonésia, a oeste da porção principal do território, e a leste, sul e oeste de Oecussi. Timor-Leste tem também fronteira marítima com a Austrália, no Mar de Timor, a sul. A cidade de Díli, a capital, localiza-se na costa norte.
Osttimor - Demokratische Republik Osttimor
Die Demokratische Republik Timor-Leste ist ein Land in Südostasien, das aus dem Osten der Insel Timor, der Exklave Oecusse im Nordwesten Timors und den kleinen Inseln Arauro und Jaco besteht. Osttimor hat eine gemeinsame Landgrenze mit Indonesien, zu dem auch die benachbarten Inseln gehören, südlich liegt Australien. Osttimor hat eine Fläche von 14.954,44 km² und 1.066.409 Einwohner (Zensus 2010)
East Timor - Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste,[1] is a country in Southeast Asia comprising the eastern half of the island of Timor, the nearby islands of Atauro and Jaco, and Oecusse, an exclave on the northwestern side of the island, within ► Indonesian West Timor. The small country of 5,376 square miles (14,609 square kilometres) is located about 400 miles (640 km) northwest of Darwin, ► Australia.
Short name
East Timor
Official name
Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
Independent country since 1975, subject to Indonesian occupation in 1976, regained independence in 2002.
South East Asia
1,299,412 inhabitants
14,918.72 square kilometres (5,760.15 sq mi)
Major languages
Tetum, Portuguese (both official), 15 further national languages recognized by constitution
Major religions
Roman Catholicism
More information
East Timor, Geography of East Timor, History of East Timor and Politics of East Timor
More images
East Timor - East Timor (Category).